Chapter 4

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Ashley's pov

"Ashley!" I hear my name being called.

I look across the hallway and see my best friend Kylee waving at me.

She is standing with Tyler, who is standing with Melissa, and her boyfriend Nick.

Tyler is too busy talking to Melissa to even notice me.

Melissa is my sworn enemy since first grade, ever since I 'by mistakely' spilt chocolate milk all over her.

She was being a real bitch so in my defense she deserved it.

Unfortunately she didn't quite get the saying, "Let bygones be bygones" so every now and then she would bully me or atleast try.

I don't tolerate shit, especially her kind.

I even told Tyler the shit she does and yet he still keeps her around.

I wave back and head the opposite direction instead of going there not wanting to talk to Tyler right now.

I cut a corner and bump into someone's chest. I recognise the smell immediately and look up.


"Hey Lee." He says with a smile that pops his cute dimples.

"Hi." I reply.

"Damn I expected a 'Hi Mr Handsome,' But I guess a Hi works too." He says with a smirk.

"Oh please, handsome and you don't go in the same sentence. So please get over yourself."

"Ouch, that was a big bruise to my ego."

I look around the room trying to avoid eye contact and notice everyone has already gone to class.

"Anyways move, as you can see, class has started. Bye!" I say.

After walking about two feet, I feel his hand grab mine and pull me back.

He pins me to the locker like as if we are in some romantic movie.

"Dude, this isn't romeo and juliet, this is reality." I say pointing out the position we were in.

"We can make a spicier version of it though." He winks.

We lock eyes and my cheeks start heating up.

I clear my throat before speaking, "I'm going to class."

"We are going to the same place, I have Math with you today remember?" He says.

He let's go and we start walking to class.

"Nope, I honestly didn't even know we had a class together." I say.

"Yeah ofcourse you don't, the only person you acknowledge is Tyler."

I roll my eyes in response as we had reached the class door which was closed.


"Come on, be a man open it." I whisper.

"Hell nah I don't wanna get a 10 minute lecture in front of the whole class, you do it!" He whispers back.

"How about we do it together?"

"Okay, in 3, 2, 1.." As I open the door he goes off to the side and hides leaving me the spotlight.

I look to the side where he was hiding and mouth a 'Really Aaron?'

He looks at me apologetically before our mini conversation is cut off.

"Why are you late Miss Kingston?" Mr Dunley asks.

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