Chapter 3

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Ashley's Pov.

"Shit!" I curse as I run around my room looking for the my other shoe.

I check under my cupboard. Ha! Found you you piece of shit.

I check the time, 8:57 AM. I have exactly three minutes to get to work.

Yep I overslept.

I rush downstairs and grab my car keys running out like a maniac. I try unlocking my car and I swear it's like I have been put into one of those movies where the main character tries to run from the murderer but can't get her car to open.

"Like seriously man, I'm not even close to the main character please let me in." I beg to my car as if its going to respond.

As if it heard me it unlocks and I swing the door wide open jumping in.

8:59 AM.

I actually feel like I'm in some horror movie.

Work is 10 minutes from here so I am pretty sure I'll not make it on time but I'll still put my heart to it.

Positivity right?


So I ended up stopping by at Starbucks to get some coffee. I figured I was already late so it wouldn't make that much of a difference.

So I'm doing the best thing I can which is drinking coffee while stressing out about work.

I am actually petrified right now and that, ladies and gentlemen is why I am driving really fast while drinking coffee.

It is currently 9:17 AM and I finally reached the cafe.

I ran inside not wanting to be any later than I already am only to be welcomed by my fellow waiter.

"Hey Ash!" Xavier, my friend who also works here says.

"Hi Xav, I hope I'm not too late." I say with a hopeful smile.

"Late? What do you mean late Ash, the time you have to be here on weekends is normally 9:30, I always thought you liked to come in early but I guess you just have short memory loss." He laughs.

"So you're telling me, I almost had a panic attack for nothing?!"


I am going to actually kill myself I mean how dumb can a person actually be?

"Damn the cafe is full today, better get to work since I'm already here." I sigh.

I go to the back area lounge where workers and staff normally keep their items and rest.

I put on my apron and prepare myself mentally for all the Karen's out there. I grab my notepad and off I go.


"Ma'am the chicken is cooked well." I explain to my new friend, Karen.

"Then what the hell is this red goo?" This middle aged woman says pointing to the reddish liquid.

Your period bitch what do you think it is?

"I am sorry but I cannot help you there." I say.

"I would like to speak with the manager!" She says right as I'm about to walk away.

"Okay one sec I'll bring the manager." I say mockingly.

I go to the lounge for about 2 minutes before walking back to the table.

"You called for me?" I ask.

"You are not the manager!"

"Oh no I'm not Karen, but this isn't some office so if you need something talk to me." I say.

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