Chapter 29

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Ashley's Pov

It's Monday now.


I hate Mondays so much. They are the worst days of the week followed by Sundays.

Because, when it's Sunday the only thing you can think about is school the following day. You have to finish your uncompleted homework and stuff.

Personally Sundays give me anxiety.

But yesterday was really amazing.

After the party, only a few of us were left so we played childhood games the whole day and it was really fun.

I thought Melissa being with us would have been hell but she is actually okay when she isn't being all bitchy about everything.

Anyways right now I'm in Math class, with Aaron.

He is sitting besides me and besides him is Kailani.

This girl is everywhere I swear.

What makes me even more angry is the fact that he has just been ignoring me and talking to her the whole time.

It was like this the whole of last week to and I thought it would stop after the party.

Guess not.

Just then, like a fall from grace, the speaker beeps and the Principle calls us for an Assembly.

Great, anything to get out of math class and away from this asshole ignoring me.

I screech the chair back, grab my bag and walk out.

I seem to be the first person to have done so because the whole class stares at me like I've just committed a crime.

I ignore them and walk to my locker placing my bag in it.

I almost get a fucking heart attack when I close it because Kylee appears out of nowhere.

"Jesus, Kylee, maybe inform me next time? A 'hey Ash, I'm coming to your locker in a min so be prepared,' would be better and greatly appreciated," I say clutching my heart.

"You are so dramatic," She rolls her eyes.

"Let's go, we have an Assembly to attend," I sigh and start walking towards the hall.

Once we reach the hall, we make our way to the very back -our usual seats- and sit down.

After a couple of minutes, our principles voice blares through the speakers.

"Good morning, teachers and students. I apologise for taking you out of class but this will be a very brief Assembly.

"Therefore, I am going to say this straight up, we are having a school trip."

Excited gasps fill the hall.

Joy fills my heart.

We haven't gone on a trip for a long time and I can't wait.

"It will be for a few days, we will be going out hiking in the mountains and we will be staying at a beach resort a couple of miles away from the mountain. There will be many other activities which will be discussed soon," He says.

Oh my gosh. This will sure as hell be amazing.

"The price will be 1200$, as we are going to a five star hotel, with great rooms and food. Also the entry fee to hike up the mountains along with the other activities. Kindly get your parents to sign the consent slip which will be passed on to you as you are leaving and pay for the trip.

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