Chapter Five: Team Leader

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Eugene wanted to pace around the room, like a lion locked in a cage he couldn't break free. But he sat in their living room, jogging his leg to try and relieve some of the anxiety that was plaguing him. Recently, Mia had come back with more information on the Revolution. Both her, Noah and a few of their family members had come across an abandoned factory in the outskirts of East London. Inside, hidden amongst the rubble like rats, were members of the Revolution.

It was beyond worrying, with each passing day the Revolution was getting closer and closer to the centre of the city. They were planning something, Eugene was sure of it, something big. Something.. Immeasurable. That's why he was here, crouched on the one of the ratty sofa's in his living room side by side with Cassius, as Raul sat across from them.

Eugene had to make a move, before the Revolution got any closer. They needed to take out this quarter of the Revolution now. If he allowed them to keep moving closer, it would be a matter of time before they got to his Clan. Anxiously, Gene shifted a couple of papers on the small table in front of them.

There were old newspapers, notes, pens and pencils strewn across the wood. All different sizes and numerous colours. It was easier to focus on that, rather than the looming decision that hung above the three men.

"We need to decide." Cassius intoned bluntly, crossing his arms causing the leather to squeak. After his old one had been ruined, he had gotten a new one with silver embellished buttons on the cuff.

Eugene rubbed a hand across his face with a groan. "I know we do. I can't go deal with them, you can't go deal with them. And I'm sure as hell not sending anyone in alone. There is no option." He explained with a huff, as his free hand began to drum a rhythm on his leg.

Cassius lifted a mug of the fresh blood they'd just collected, pausing as it reached his lips to say "There is an option," with a quick glance over to Raul. Eugene knew he was there only real chance right now. Raul had always been the brawn to their brain and would follow their orders unquestioningly. He just didn't want to send him out blindly, without any one else.

"I can do it." Raul started with a quick sharp nod. Despite the months that had passed, not a single thing about Raul had changed, the same military style buzz cut and he was still, just as silent as ever. "I will do it," He affirmed.

Eugene stood up and began to pace around the living room, picking up a bundle of papers and shifting through them. "I knew you would say that," Gene replied with a huff. "It's not that I don't trust that you can deal with this, i know you can. But I just don't think it's smart to send you out on your own,"

"I will do it." Raul repeated, and Gene had to resist the urge to roll his eyes in frustration.

"Yes, yes, I get it. You'll do it. If you're really that set on doing it on your own, I want you to report directly to me the moment it's done. You have your phone, correct?" Eugene asked, stopping in front of the other blonde. Raul nodded. "Good. Then Raul, tomorrow morning I need you to head straight to these coordinates and eliminate everything. Leave no traces,"

Gene handed him one of the papers from the pile he was fiddling with. On it were the coordinates Mia had given him for the abandoned warehouse harbouring members of the Revolution.

"Make sure you stay in the shade, take alleyways and wear a hat." Eugene ordered, as an afterthought. In the sun Vampires would be weakened, of course Raul would know this already but he thought it wouldn't hurt to remind him.

"Raul will be fine," Cassius assured, but then shifted to face Raul, "But nevertheless, follow his directions,". Once again Raul nodded, crossing one leg over the other.

"Then its settled. Head off in the early hours of the morning, and report to me the moment its done,"


Vampires never needed much rest, they didn't even need to sleep really. Yet Eugene could feel the exhaustion settle into his bones as though it had just come home. He'd collapsed on the chair in his office, his head resting on his arms as he looked at the map on the wall. It was a messy thing, scattered with scribbled notes, pins and string all connecting one thing to the next. It was about the positions of the Revolution across the UK.

There was a fresh note, where he had added the location of the abandoned factory where Raul was paying a visit to. Right about now, in fact, Raul should be there, Gene thought as he looked at the time.

There was a harsh pounding on his office door that jolted him upright and off the chair. Cassius came in, his face pale and eyes drawn tight. He stood in the doorway, clenching the frame so tightly it must have splintered under his hold.

"Cassius? What is it?" Eugene questioned, making his way over to him. The other vampire looked ready to drop dead (well deader) that very moment.

"Its about Raul." Cassius hissed. "A representative from Mia's clan just rang me, apparently there are five times as many Vampires there now. Raul won't stand a chance." His fist clenched the doorway even tighter.

Eugene's eyes widened, this was one of his oldest friends they were talking about here. The thought that Raul wouldn't make it was unfathomable. "What?! What are you on about? Why are there more there now?" He snapped, fangs beginning to peep out from behind his lips.

There was one thought plaguing his mind. This must've been a trap. The Revolution must've known one of them would come to deal with the rats. Armarous must have known. With one look at Cassius, he could tell they were thinking the same thing.

"It was a trap." Cassius voiced what he couldn't at that moment. In a rush, Eugene pushed past him and out of the apartment, not caring about shutting the front door. It was early morning and there was no one around. So, with a flash, he used his vampiric speed to get to the warehouse.

Hopefully, he wouldn't be too late.


Authors note:  

Hey ya'll! Finally an update right!! Thank you so much for all your patience. All the comments on my recent post on my conversations genuinely could have made me cry. Thank you so much for all the love and support <3 It means more to me than i can say. 

That being said i hope you enjoy the new chapter! It's getting a lil spicy spicy  ;) 

As always, lots of love <3


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