Chapter Eleven: Lets Talk

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Annalise shifted slightly, like the very air had been stolen from her lungs as she leaned against Eugene's solid form. She stared the rogue down, this vampire, shuddering in his friends blood, could have been the one to gang up on Raul. It left an uncomfortable feeling of hatred in her stomach.

Having taken the three of them, herself, Eiseth and Bael to Earth, and then using her remaining energy to fend off the vampires, Annalise was beginning to feel the after effects of exhaustion. Opening the gates between two different realms wasn't easy, and was something that took a lot of power to do. A wave of dizziness brushed over her.

A solid arm wrapped around her shoulders, weighing her down to the present moment. Eugene held her in tighter, and she savoured the smell of his cologne. Ash, musk and blood. A strange combination, but so inevitably him, that she took another deep breath of it.

She looked up at the man, as he nodded to Bael, eyes full of reluctant respect. Gene's forest green eyes scanned over their temporary battlefield, taking in the burnt remains and bloodied bodies as though they could jump up at any time.

"We need to head back," Eugene stated bluntly, with an unhappy look towards the brightening sky. The rain was beginning to clear, a thin line of mist surrounding the ground where the water was starting to evaporate. "We'll have to take a more convoluted route, thanks to him." He continued, jerking his head towards the rogue.

The rogue in question shivered at the attention, then, with a startling suddenness, vomited in fear down his front. Bael, who had been standing next to him, snarled in disgust, fingers turning into finely pointed claws.

"Don't even try it, Bael. I swear." Annalise levelled out, she knew what he wanted to do. How much he wanted to rip the head of the vampire, but they needed this one alive. He tutted disappointedly, taking a slight step back but withdrawing his claws.

The grounding arm around her slowly slipped from her shoulders, his fingertips just gracing her collar bone. As if Gene wanted to draw out their contact for as long as possible, before he stood in front of the rogue. Viciously, he gripped the vampire's chin, fingernails digging harsh crescents into the pale skin.

"You say one word. If you even breathe out of turn, we will not hesitate to end you. Do you understand?" Gene spat, tightening his grip even more, before pushing the vampire back slightly and returning to her side. Wobblily, the rogue nodded his agreement.

Despite the clearing weather, Annalise couldn't help but feel nervous. There was a niggling voice in the back of her head, whispering 'we've forgotten something', in the back of her mind as she anxiously glanced around the woods.

There was nothing there.

But it still didn't stop the thought from haunting her.


It had only taken a couple of minutes to get back to the house, shrouded in the shadows of winding alleyways. Fortunately, either with gods luck or satans, they managed to get back to the flat without bumping into anyone.

The very second the apartment door opened, Cassius was on them. Snapping up from his crouched position by the sofa, to lurch forward towards the cowered rogue. Cassius was fast, but Harvey was faster. A tendril of blue smoke, twisted around the vampire's ankle, slamming him back onto the floor.

"Sit. Down," Harvey demanded, with a seriousness unlike him. Cassius nodded, reluctantly making his way back to the sofa to stand vigil besides the witch. Harvey's hands were still hovered over Raul, green smoke trailing around the despondent vampire. It was a show to how talented he really was, to multitask as easily as he did.

Eugene gently left her side, to stand besides his brother. "How is he doing?" He asked, in a rare show of solidarity with his sibling. Harvey grunted, the green smog slowing disappearing back into his fingertips. He turned to face his brother, his lips pressed together tightly.

"Not good. He'll live, but not without permanent damage. One of the vampires must have gotten a good strike at his face. He's lost his left eye," Harvey spoke, gesturing towards Rauls sunken face. Now that he was cleared of blood, Annalise could finally see all the damage the rogues had inflicted on him.

Harvey was right.

Where his left eye used to be, now there was only an empty, dark socket. Despite all that she had done, all that she had witnessed that day, this was what truly set her off. Staring into that socket was like looking into a reflection of all her failures.

Eugene seemed to take it much better however, nodding tightly, then turning to face the three demons.  He stared directly into Bael's eyes, and the aforementioned demon groaned whiniliy.

"Take him to the bathroom, the room on the left of the hallway. Lock him in there. There should be some silver handcuffs in the medicine cabinet," Eugene demanded, giving a stern look at them all, a universal sign for them to not ask about said handcuffs in said medicine cabinet. "Handcuff him to the radiator, then lock the door behind you."

Bael groaned, grabbing the rogue by the cuff on his shirt and dragging him off to the bathroom. Unwittingly the Rogues babysitter for the night.


Night had finally dawned on them, each one of them had taken vigil besides Raul. Sprawled across the living room floor, gently talking to each other. Annalise could feel the tiredness in her bones now. Aching muscles, and sore bones. She dropped slightly to the side, when a strong arm prodded her to stand upwards.

"I'll take her to bed," Eugene stated towards the group, before carefully herding her towards the hallway. She must've been extremely tired because the words only registered the moment they reached the threshold of the bedroom.

"What? Wait." Annalise stuttered, a faint bloom on her cheeks. Eugene raised a blonde eyebrow at her, before guiding her into the room.

"W-what are you doing?" Annalise asked, staring at him as he silently guided her to sit on the bed. He sat besides her, causing the bed to sip slightly, their thighs just gracing each other.

"Taking you to bed? I don't know what you're thinking about." He said, with a sly smile that suggested he knew exactly what she was thinking about. The slight blush spread to her collarbones, peeking through the long sleeved t-shirt she was wearing.

"I don't want to sleep right now though," Annalise hated the fact that she sounded like a petulant child. But she couldn't help it. She hadn't seen Eugene for a year, and she was going to take every moment, every minute she could get off memorising his form again.

"Then don't," Eugene whispered softly, sending shivers down her spine. "Let's talk." 


Authors Note: 

Hey guys!! Im alive!! If you didnt catch this on my conversations, i havent uploaded in two weeks cause i managed to catch the flu and live had just been hiting hard. I didnt really have much energy and was so caught up on things, i knew i wouldnt be writing the best. And i want this story to be as good as it can be.

That being said, I am back! I feel a bit better, and i really hope you enjoy this chapter. Im going to let you guys on a little secret since i know some of you have been waiting for this moment for ages, but keep an eye out for next chapter- its going to get a little spicy if you know what i mean ;) 

Anyways on that note, thank you so much for reading! I appreicate it so much!

Lots of love, 


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