Chapter Twelve: The Kiss.

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Annalise cozied up to the vampire, shifting so they were as close as they could be on the plush bed. Softly, she placed a hand on his knee, looking into his eyes. There were dark purple bags underneath forest green eyes, something she thought was impossible for a semi-immortal being.

Despite the sly smirk on his face, there was a weariness behind it. He was hiding behind a mask, and it was slowly beginning to crack. "What's been going on Gene, you seem so tired," Annalise asked, squeezing his knee reassuringly.

Gene sighed, the rigidness of his body collapsing as he placed his hand on top of hers, switching them over so they were clutching each other. She tightened her grip, butterflies igniting in her heart as she memorised the calluses on his fingers. "I know it was only a year, but it seems like it was so long ago. You've changed so much. Half the time I wanted you to come back," He admitted, looking at their joint hands with a kind of longing.

Annalise's face screwed up, eyebrows drawing together in confusion. All this time, had he not known she'd been visiting every other month?

"Wait. What do you mean?" She questioned, squinting at him. "I-I did come back. I visited our house every other month without fail. I thought, I thought you knew?" She could remember sitting on the doorstep, aching from the magic expenditure of opening the gates between worlds, waiting hopelessly for him to arrive. To see his smile as he came back from whatever he was doing.

He never arrived, and maybe, just maybe she would find out why.

Eugene's hands slipped from hers as he looked at her with shock, eyebrows raising. Annalise continued on. "I saw Cassius one of those times. Didn't he tell you? He told me not to meet you guys until I was done with hell"". It was like each word was a wound, a puncture that caused him to flinch away from, but she couldn't stop now.

"Cassius told me he promised you he wouldn't tell me where you were." It was like something had snapped within him, and Eugene jolted up towards the door, face full of fury. Hands clenched into fists. But before he could storm out to confront the vampire, Annalise clasped onto his arm.

A smile grew on her face, splitting her cheeks with its intensity.

"He didn't tell you, did he? So all this time....You didn't know i was waiting for you." A flurry of relief filled her, the grin growing even more. All this time, the small, insecure part of her (The human part of her, Astaroth never failed to remind her) thought that he simply didn't want to see her. That something had changed, that this thing between them. This unspoken connection that held them together like magnetism had broken.

She didn't even have time to react, before he was on her.

It was almost like a punishment the way their lips clashed together. All teeth, tongue and ravishing. Annalise's breath was captured between his kisses. Eagerly she matched his pace, capturing his bottom lip between her teeth and tugging just so. Gene let out a soft sigh in response, and she smiled as his kiss became more intense.

It was like they were trying to consume each other, years of tension exploding in one moment as they devoured the other. Eugene stroked a line up her spine, and she put a hand through his tangled hair in response, as the kiss deepened. Her hands caught on the knots in his hair, she could tell he hadn't been taking care of himself and it hurt.

But the worry was quickly overwhelmed, as the vampire began to slowly guide her backwards. Her knees buckled as they hit the bed behind her. She fell, and they both came down as one. He gripped her wrist with one hand, and grasped her face with the other as he broke apart their lips and began to trail soft sweet kisses on her cheek, and down her neck.

His face appeared above hers once more. "Anna. God, Annalise," He groaned, "If i had known, fuck. If I had known you were there Anna, I wouldn't have let you go." He whispered into her neck, sneaking a hand under her t-shirt to trace her curves.

"I'm here now," She smiled into his neck, placing a kiss where his pulse point should be. He pulled back, just enough to look her in the eyes. The returning smile took off years, making him look younger than he ever had before.

"Yeah, yeah you are." He returned. In the space between the passing seconds, Annalise decided that this was it. This would be the time she would confess to him. It was clear now, he felt something for her at the very least. And even if it wasn't love, maybe with time, it could be.

She stroked his cheek gently and he leaned into the touch.

"I love you."

Her hand fell from his face, and mouth fell open. Eugene had been the one to say those words. Not her. It seemed like he wouldn't give her the time to respond, as he urgently began to kiss her again. With a small shove she pushed him back.

"Wait. Wait." She stuttered, and like cold water had been thrown on him, he shot upwards. "Do you mean it?" Annalise asked, following him upward. "Do you honestly mean it.". With a air of suspicion Gene nodded.

"Good, cause I mean it too. I love you Gene." With a giggle, she pushed him back onto the bed, her heart pounding in her ears, smiling into peppered kisses. Pushing up his top to reveal the strong abs beneath, years of training, war and living had done wonders to his physique and she took a moment to admire him before continuing.

It felt like coming home. It felt like love, it felt like magic.

It was everything and the absence of nothing all at once. Two polar ends of a magnet finally meeting. So despite the inevitability of what was waiting for them outside this room, Annalise let herself go as she lost herself under his touch. 


Authors Note: 

Did i just write a whole chapter on two characters snogging basically? Yes. Yes i did. Its been a long time coming lol! I  think we've been waiting for this moment for a whole book or so lol. Finally they aren't being cockblocked ;) But why didnt Cassius tell Eugene that Anna had been visitng their old home? hmmm, what do you guys think? 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Its my first time writing this kind of thing lol. So i hope its alright. Hope you guys are doing okay! 

Lots of love, 


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