Chapter Twenty Two: Blood Bath

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Eugene watched the backs of Annalise and Harvey slowly get more distance from him. Far from his immediate reach. Trickles of anxiety bled down his throat and into his chest, tightening them both. He had to force himself to look away. It was harder than it should have been.

Being a part of a clan for so long, and more importantly now, being the leader of the clan had taught him to push his emotions to the wayside in order to focus on what needed to be done. It was almost alarming sometimes, how easy it was for him to shove emotions back under the surface. But now, now he was struggling to contain them.

He swallowed past the bubbling anxiety, and nodded to Raul. It was unfortunate that Cassius couldn't be with them now. It would have been a hell of a lot easier had the Spanish vampire been there. With only four of them, anyone or anything that could give them an advantage would be welcomed.

As he and Raul began to flank the magician and the half demon, he began to realise just how much damage the Revolution had already caused. The narrow market was a river of blood, the liquid flowing down the street and into the flood drains. Bodies were strewn about, here, there and everywhere.

Some of them were torn limb from limb, others were almost untouched save for the awkward palour of their skin, and the rest had bites across their bodies. Chunks bitten off of them in an attempt to get to their blood. It was clear here they were dealing with all sorts of Supernaturals. From werewolves, to fae, to vampires and god knows what else.

He tried not to think of the Angel that had apparently been stalking them. That was a whole other bag of cats he did not want to open just yet. Eugene was almost ashamed to call himself a supernatural as he looked at the body of a young child and his pressuable father.

They were innocent people. All caught up as a part of someone else's scheme.

They just happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

Supernaturals had lived in relative peace for hundreds of years now. Living in synergy with the earth and the animals that came with it. The most humans had discovered about their existence were myths, legends and old folk tales. Passed down from generation to generation and usually heavily edited and exaggerated. It was a peaceful existence, or so at least Eugene thought.

They didn't need to be known, they didn't need recognition. But when humanity began to pick up and the industrial revolution began, they blended in seamlessly. Living under masks and different identities as they worked with mankind.

Of course some Supernaturals rebelled against this order and that was where many of the legends and myths occurred from. One or two supernaturals trying to make a name for themselves with fear and atrocities. It always ended the same way, however. With them being killed by humans.

The thing that scared Gene the most though, was that he could see where the Revolution was coming from. And if he, someone who was so stubborn in his ways he hadn't changed the brand of aftershave he wore for 40 years, could see where they were coming from. What other supernaturals would fall into the same beliefs?

While he didn't agree with their methods, he understood the sentiment. And he was sure many other supernaturals were the same but lacked the sympathy and understanding he had for humans. Humans had slaughtered their kind for far less.

The Modesto Clan was small now, and they were lucky to have the few supporting Clans that they did. But even that was small in comparison to the new Revolution. They were fighting a losing battle.

Eugene wasn't a betting type of man. But he knew exactly what side he'd bet on. And it wasn't his.



Iron. The smell of iron filled her senses and made her want to puke. As she walked by dead bodies, side by side with Harvey she swallowed a sense of nausea. She couldn't look. She didn't dare look. Because if she did, she knew she wouldn't be able to continue. Her heart thudded an unstable rhythm in her chest. Sweat pooled at her palms.

God, she was so anxious.

Not a year ago, she was technically dead. A ghost, a faint figure stuck cursed to a house that hadn't been hers. And now, here she was, a fully fledged and recognised half demon, fighting someone else's battle. It was unbelievable. None of this felt real to her. 

The more she walked down the narrow lane market, the easier she could make out the looming figures at the end of it. Some were huge, furry creatures looming far above her height. Others hovered slightly above the ground ominously. A few of them were crouched over lifeless bodies, defensively hoarding them like food.

But just behind them, hurdled together in a small group, were the remaining humans. Annalise's eyes widened. They were being held hostage. She bent her head towards Harvey. Whispering in low tones. "We need to be careful, they're holding people hostage i think,"

Harvey's eyes squinted, as he gazed resolutely forwards. "Yeah, I can just about see them." Before they even had a chance to react, the Revolution had spotted them. But that was exactly what they needed. A distraction. One of the figures pointed at the two.

"Hey, I think we missed two!" He shouted shrilly, almost as if he was giddy to have two more people to kill. Two of the three dozen supernaturals besides him stood forward. A large quadrupedal figure hunkered towards them, alongside a fairly slim man. As they got closer to them, clearly not threatened by hers or Harvey's appearance, they became more clear.

It was a large, hurling grey werewolf, and what she could only assume was a vampire. It took less than a second for a heart to beat. Less than a second for a butterfly to bat it's wings. And it took less than a second for Annalise to make her decision.

Fuelled by the devastation that was wrecked around them, the agony that child and his father must have felt, and the panic that tightened her chest. Annalise raised her right palm, fingers curling upwards in claws like she was trying to draw something up from the ground. Burst of obsidian flames came roaring from the floor, splitting the concrete with an audible crunch. Like it was coming from hell itself.

Her black flames coated the werewolves fur as he squealed and rolled around in an attempt to dampen the fire. His screams died down, and his body came to a stop. She'd made her move. Now it was their turn.

There was an eerie pause of silence. And then it was chaos. 


Authors Note

Soooo Happy New Years guys! We're now in 2023, how crazy is that? With that being said i hope to get out many more chapters this year, and improve the quality of my writing as i feel sometimes it just hasn't been the best. 

I hope you guys had a good new years, do you have any new years revolutions yet? I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Leave a comment and let me know what you think <3 I really apprecaite it. 

Thanks so much, 

Lots of love, 


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