Chapter Nineteen: Panic Attack

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Arms ripped with cuts and bruises, legs and feet just the same. Flashes of them crossed his mind, he went to move out the way, anything to stop the oncoming onslaught, but he couldn't move. Pinned to the ground like concrete. It was almost in slow motion, hands curled into claws coming for his face, reaching, pulling and scratching.

There was nothing Raul could do to stop it.

But then, the image faded, the pain stopped, everything turning to black.

The silhouette of a tall slender woman, and a portly smaller man appeared in front of him. They were mumbling something in German, but the words were so quiet he couldn't make them out. He tried to reach out his arm, to get their attention, anything to focus their familiar gazes on him.

"-ey, wake up. You can do it, wake up Ra-"

A strikingly contrasting English accent echoed in his head. Raul blinked, once, then twice. The two achingly familiar silhouettes disappearing slowly. Fading into the darkness as if they had never even been there. On the third blink, a bright light made him wince, followed by a vague image of long blonde hair.

Was this heaven? Had he died? He squinted against the blinding light, and attempted to move. A sharp, agonising pain forced him back down again onto something plush, and soft. Arms held his shoulders down, and panic bubbled in his throat. Blonde hair obscured his vision as he struggled in the hold.

"Calm down, Raul. It's just me." No, this wasn't heaven. It was just Harvey.

His vision cleared slightly, making the witches face more visible. The man was beaming, eyes squinted with his smile, as he slowly released the German from his hold. "Glad to see you're awake big guy, you almost had us there," Harvey quipped, patting him on the shoulder just a bit too hard.

"Was ist passiert?" Raul snapped, resorting to German instinctually as he shot back upwards. This time he pushed through the pain, swinging his legs on the bed he had been led on. His hands began to shake as they searched his own face, for the source of the crippling pain there. Instead of meeting skin, all that he could feel was silky fabric.

"Slow down, Mr Muscle. You don't want to undo all the work I did. Magic IS great, but it's not infallible." Harvey lectured with a tut, sitting down next to him causing the bed to dip slightly under his weight. It was only then did Raul realise he wasn't in his old apartment. The walls were lined with delicate silver wallpaper, the bed was larger than he had ever seen in his life, and there were plants of all varieties, almost everywhere.

Harvey seemed to notice his confusion and nodded. "You're at my house, we had some....some err. How do I say this?...Difficulties, we'll just call it difficulties. So we had to leave the flat for the time being." He explained, hand on his chin in thought. Raul nodded solemnly, if there was even the slightest breach of privacy, it was only natural for them to move.

Raul's hand drifted to his face, looking at Harvey pointedly for an explanation. The witch winced sympathetically, and Raul felt his heart drop to his stomach. He knew. Somehow Raul just knew what Harvey was about to say.

"Yeah, that's a lot harder to explain." Harvey grimaced, looking away from the German vampire. "I'm sorry Raul, I couldn't save your eye. There....there was nothing left of it.".


A large bang jolted her awake, she shifted dangerously close to the edge of the bed and let out a panicked squeak. A familiar hand stopped her from rolling off completely, pulling her back up. Eugene raised a finger to his mouth, hushing her gently. Annalise squinted at him, what the fu-

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