Chapter Fourteen: Daddy Issues

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"I never saw Annalise." Cassius finally spoke, eyes darting between the two of them. Annalise had to double take, glancing at Eugene before turning back to face Cassius. Slowly she walked up to the other vampire, doubt clouding her eyes as she stood up to face him.

"What do you mean you never saw me?" She said slowly, narrowing her eyes at him. He looked her up and down, taking in her dishevelled appearance, and Annalise felt a flood of embarrassment cover her cheeks. Fortunately Eugene's shirt had been long enough to reach the middle of her thighs, but even then she felt like she was practically broadcasting what they had done last night.

"I didn't see you, Annalise. I never went back to the house," Cassius explained, folding his arms over his chest defensively. An irrational spike of anger hit her. What did he mean, he didn't see her! Of course he did, they had sat and talked together that day. They'd even hugged.

"What do you mean?!" She reiterated, more panicked than before "You were right there! You even hugged me!". The same dread that had come up when they had finished confronting the rogues in the forest, crawled into her heart with sharp claws. There was something missing here.

"I swear to you, Anna, on my mothers grave. I didn't see you." Cassius murmured softly, looking down at her with a gentle expression.

"But I saw you.." Annalise mumbled in response, more to herself than anything else. She recalled that day they met clearly. Nothing seemed amiss, it was just Cassius. Nothing more to it than that, but yet apparently. He hadn't been there at all. Gene wrapped his arm around her, pulling her to his side tightly. The smell of his cologne set her at ease somewhat.

"If it wasn't you, like you say it is, then who was it?" Gene confronted, the anger still apparent in his voice, even if it was toned down a little.

"It looked like you, Cassius! It even sounded like you!" Annalise blurted out, mind running through her memories to find something, anything that would explain this. Cassius shook his head.

"I never saw you, if i did i would have said something sooner." He explained softly. Annalise rose her hands up in frustration, the conversation was getting nowhere, they were just going round in circles.

"Okay, if, hypothetically, it wasn't you. Then who the hell was it?" Annalise asked angrily. Cassius shrugged looking between the couple. A couple? Is that what they were now, her and Eugene? The thought quickly left her mind as Gene spoke.

"There are only two beings on this earth that know how to transform. Those are Angels or Demons." Gene imputed, tapping his fingers along her shoulder. It should have been irritating, but instead it grounded her to the present. It was a comforting distraction from reality.

"It wasn't me, I swear." Cassius tried, one last desperate time. But Annalise had heard enough. She sifted slightly, in Genes arm, to look over her shoulder to where Bael was amusedly listening in.

"Bael." Annalise demanded, snatching his attention. "Other than you, do you know any other demon that can transform?" All traces of amusement drained from his face. It was uncharacteristic of him to see him this serious. It was concerning. Even during the trials, Bael always had something witty to say. Some demeaning yet hilarious comment to say.

But now. Now Bael was silent.

He looked away from Annalise, and she frowned.

"Bael." Annalise prompted once again. 

"Your father." Said demon blurted out. "Not as well or for as long as I can. But yeah, your father can. Amorous can." The lurking dread unfurled into disgust, then fear as she collapsed on the sofa behind her.

What the fuck.

That was the only thought running through her mind. Her father, a demon even her auntie had ostrichsized, might have been there that day. The man that had wanted her dead since day one. For some unfathomable reason. Her hands began to shake as she brought them up to place her head in them.

"We don't know that for sure though, do we?" Eugene said, with a side glance to Bael. He bent down slightly, awkwardly hovering over her as he rubbed gentle circles on her back.   . "We don't know, do we," He reiterated, gritting his teeth.

"No we don't. It could theoretically be an Angel." Bael offered half-heartedly, shrugging his shoulders. Why on earth would it be an angel? What purpose would they have in pretending to be Cassius, all to meet her one day. It made even less sense than it being Amorous.

"Really, and what would an angel have to do with me?" Annalise scoffed, but finally lifted her face to look at them. The shaking in her hands finally subsided. Bael smirked at her.

"Maybe they decided you need to confess to your sins. To convert to the other side? Praise be," Bael sarcastically remarked, mockingly moving his hands in a prayer position. Annalise giggled a bit at that, but the dread was still lurking in the back of her mind. Her father wanted her dead. And if that had really been him that day. Even though she hadn't known it back then, she had just brushed by death. 

"What are we gonna do then?" Annalise questioned, sitting back into the sofa, and softly tugging Gene to sit down besides her. He went down without much resistance. His tell- tale finger drumming began on top of his baggy joggers, a sign he was thinking or anxious. In this case, it was probably a mixture of both.

"First of its best we deal with the Rogue in our bathroom. See if we can get any information from him-" Gene began, and as if on cue an ear splitting scream came from the bathroom. Alongside sounds of chains rattling. Gene and Cassius immediately dashed to the room in a panic, but Annalise stayed rooted to the sofa. She closed her eyes disappointedly, with a long drawn out sigh.

"Bael. What the fuck did you do to him, this time." 

Authors Note: 

Hey ya'll, thank you so much for all the comments on last weeks chapter!! I hope you enjoyed this one! None of you managed to quite guess the cliff hanger ;) But i will say you did manage to guess some key points of this story, even if it wasnt to do with the cliff hanger. 

I'll leave you guys to figure it out ;) 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you think <3 

As always, lots of love, 


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