Chapter Seven: Less Than Ideal

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As soon as she saw Eugene, her heart skipped a beat. His hair had grown out, loose honey blonde curls around his ears, it wasn't tidy or neat, it was rugged and unkempt. But that kind of thing had always suited him best. He was in his old ratty jogging bottoms, with a tight muscle fit shirt.

Her admiration was quickly cut short, and her heart all but stopped beating. Cassius rushed past her, carrying Raul like he was a sack of potatoes. Both of them were covered in blood, so much a few stray drops tainted the concrete before them. She could barely even get a word out, as the vampire pushed past them and into the flat.

Eugene froze as he finally caught sight of her. Annalise gulped barely able to get the words past her mouth as she spoke. "Gene, what's going on?". The next few moments went by in a cluster of motion until she stood beside the man that meant the most to her, watching as Harvey worked his magic on Raul.

"Anna," Eugene had said with reverence in his voice, like he couldn't quite believe she was real. "Anna, i missed you,". A feeling of utter relief and utter devastation took over her. A part of her was afraid Eugene would move on from her, forget about her and what they could have had. The other part of her was terrified, she had never felt so intensely towards someone ever before.

Not only that, it had seemed like they had truly been through hell. Cassius looked like he was bordering on a panic attack, Raul was almost dying on their couch and Gene. To put it simply, he looked exhausted. Like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. With one quick glance around the room, she noted that neither Dawn nor Victoria were there. Where had they gone?

"Gene," Annalise breathed, her eyes scrunching together in sympathy for the vampire. She wanted to reach out, and hug. To breach the distance that had been created since she left. "God, Gene, I missed you too. But Gene, what's going on?"

Eugene licked his dry, cracked lips before he spoke. Looking at Annalise analysingly, like he was weighing up telling her the truth or not. "At lot has happened since you left," He finally decided on, vaguely. Annalise made a face that didn't exactly tell her why Raul was two feet in the grave right now.

Before she could question him more, the sound of Cassius' irritated voice rung out in the living room, bouncing off the bare walls. "Either stay in or go out!" He shouted in a huff. It took a moment for her to realise what he was on about, but with one look behind her, she could tell he was admonishing her friends. Who still lingered in the open doorway.

With the kindest smile she could muster in this situation, she gestured for Bael and Eiseth to come closer and shut the door. Awkwardly and unsurely they shuffled in, standing close to her. Confident that the issue was dealt with, Annalise turned back to Eugene once again.

"What's really going on Eugene?" She spoke softly, feeling her heart pull as she stared into his tired eyes. He gazed at her for a pause, then sighed visibly wilting as his eyes shifted back to Raul.

"A lot has happened, Anna. We sent Raul off to get rid of some of the rogue vampires. It turns out there were more there than we expected. No one could have handled that alone." He explained, crossing his arms tightly across his chest. Annalise blinked, stunned for a moment.

"What do you mean 'rogue vampires'?" Annalise questioned, head tilting to the side in confusion. How had so much changed in the short time she had been gone? She still didn't know what was going on, or why they even had to get rid of anyone in the first place.

Face as hard as stone, he gazed directly into her eyes as he spoke. "I'm the head of the Modesto Clan now.". Like pieces of a puzzle, everything began to shift together now. Over the time she had been gone, Eugene had taken up Vitus' mantle, no doubt wanting to change things for the better.

Evidently, it wasn't working as well as they had planned, and some had defected. To where and to whom, she wasn't too sure of yet. But she had some kind of inkling who could be behind this all.

"Who are they, and are they still out there?" Annalise demanded, she wanted to help him. To lift the weight that had settled so heavily on his broad shoulders. Not even a man like Eugene could handle this all on his own, and now she was back, fully fledged as a demon. She was more than willing to give him the help he needed.

Reluctantly he nodded. "Some of them did get away..." He said, his voice tilting up in suspicion.

"Do you need them?" Annalise hounded, looking up at him with hope in her eyes, as she spotted the trepidation in his own.

"Yes, it would be good to get rid of them or hold them hostage for information.. Why? Don't tell me-" Almost as if he was reading her mind, Anna knew he had come to the same conclusion she had. Like nothing in the past year had changed at all, Eugene could probably see right through her.

"Good then!" Annalise enthused, "I'll go get them! Bael, Eiseth? Do you want to come with me?" Eagerly the two uncharacteristically silent demons nodded their heads, clearly glad to get out of the situation.

"What?!" Eugene interrupted, putting his hand up to stop them from leaving. "What are you doing?! Absolutely not! Its not safe, Anna," . Like the calm in face of a storm, the corners of Annalise's lips turned up. With a wave of confidence, she gently took a couple of steps forward and slowly raised her hand to Gene's cheek. It was cold like ice, but smooth and unexpectedly soft.

Gently she stroked her fingers across his cheek, in what she hoped was a calming gesture. Ignoring the rising blush on her cheeks and the urge to run to hide from the embarrassment, she lightly kissed his cheek. As soft as a rose petal, it was barely there. But even then, she had just kissed her long time crush (if not more), Eugene Cubert.

"I'll be fine, Eugene. I'm not the same person I was before. Trust me. I'll be fine." She reassured, hurriedly taking a few steps back to put more distance between them. Had she had the courage to look him in the eyes, she would have seen the bright red glaring blush across his pale cheeks, and his widened eyes.

But she didn't.

"The address is 37 Queen Street, South East London. I doubt they will be there, but they can't have gone far." Cassius blurted out, taken away from his diligent care of Raul. Annalise nodded at him, and made her way out of the flat. Her friends having already left to stand outside.

A sharp tug on her wrist stopped her, she looked to the large pale hand holding it. Then to its owner. Eugene stood there, his face set with determination.

"I'll go with you. I just got you back. I'm not losing you again."

Authors Note: 

Hey ya'll how are you doing?! I hope you're all good and well. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading <3

Lots of love, 


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