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The next day(Sunday).

Got a call from James said he couldn't make it, because he has practice for tomorrow's match and not to forget the condition, he told me not to go.

Thinking about the promise I made to Miss. Evelyn, I cannot break my promise to her.

I don't want to hurt James either, I told fine, I will not go, but instead thought of going without letting him know.

He said fine and told, I love you baby. And cuts the call.

So, I'll go without telling to James and reach home soon.

Before leaving to the hospital, I asked Edward to go somewhere else with me.

I took him to "DUSTY GROOVE". We searched for Charlie parker's jazz collection for Miss. Evelyn. I made her fall in love with the Charlie's jazz.

As he was packing our order, we were just talking about these t-shirts hanged for display on the walls, and these board-poster of Gun crazy and flaming passion.

We got our Charlie's jazz collection.

Called a taxi, got into it.

Reached hospital. Got into the elevator. Walking towards the room of Miss. Evelyn, reached her room. She is getting a nap. I slowly put down the albums and fruits on the table.

Hearing this she got up. With a huge smile on my face, I went close to her and hugged her. I asked, do you remember me? Miss. Evelyn. she just smiled seeing me and Edward.

She replied, oh! Hannah! You are wife of Edward. I know you. How can I forget you, my Daughter-in-law!

Hearing this I couldn't do anything.

I'm literally in shock!


I am in so confusion right now. I became so numb. I didn't know what to say.

She told me that she needs to go to washroom. I took her to washroom and closed the door.

Looking at Edward, oh my God! Edward what is happening now? I am so confused right now.

Edward to do something about me being identified as your wife. As we were talking this, she came out of the washroom. We stopped talking about this. She smiled at me, I cut an apple and gave her. She ate it, had medicine, went to bed.

Me and Edward left to grab something to eat. We both went to the coffee shop. Edward said, I am so sorry Hannah, she didn't do it on purpose, I'll let her know that you are just my friend okay?

I said, yeah fine. Anyways I don't want to hurt her. As I am having my cappuccino, I had this cream on my lips. He just saw and laughed, I asked why are you laughing? He just came close to me and wiped it off with a tissue. You are so messy, he said.

I just wiped it properly and told him at least I know how to enjoy my coffee.

We both went back to the hospital. Edward said that he has been called by the doctor to talk.

I went to the room.

Cannot believe what I saw!

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