Chapter 6| Fight Me

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Stan's POV

Stupid Kyle thinks he's gonna get away with smart talking me. Ha, I'll show him. "I don't want to fight you Stan. It's pointless" he said emotionless. Asshole's gonna try to ration talk me out of this. "I'm gonna beat you up! There will be no fighting!" I argued back. "They're the same thing" Kyle said while rolling his eyes. "No they're not because I'M gonna be the only one fighting" I argued back. "I'd still fight back though so we'd be fighting" Kyle replied calmly. "No I-FOR CHRIST'S SAKE I'M GONNA BEAT YOU UP!" I yelled while pushing him back. "Fine" he sighed. Fine? Fine! Did he seriously just say that! He's dead.

I made a fist and directed at at his nose but he grabbed it. I paused as he twisted my hand with a tremendous force. "OWW!" I screamed while pulling my hand back. When did he get so damn strong? "I'm gonna go home now see ya" he replied simply. He didn't even give a damn. "I didn't feel like fighting you anyway!" I yelled back. "I thought you said you were gonna beat me up" Kyle said while smirking at me. He had a really cute smile-I mean.....FUCK HIM! I just grunted and turned my head and he began to walk home. It'd be easier to hate him if he wasn't so damn cute-I mean.......he's such an asshole!

Kyle's POV

That was weird. At least I psyched him out and was able to get away. Well anyway I got to get home and work on the wristbands idea.

Time Skip- Mourning Time

I woke up to the obnoxious alarm clock ringing in my ear. I hate mournings, but I got up anyway. It's 8:00 and I have to finish up a few math problems for school. I finished them up quickly. I guess I should brush my hair now. I pull the brush threw my curly red hair, it's gotten tamer since I was 10. I'm 15 now and still can't believe how long Stan and I's friendship had lasted. It was about 12 years, and those years were wonderful but he's.............. different now. I wish things could go back to the way they were but I highly doubt it now that he's become a complete and utter douchebag. I got dressed, grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the door. I didn't want to be late for school.

When I got there all the kids were crowding around Stan. He was telling a story of some sort. "He just ran away crying, and I hit him once!" he boasted. "Hit who?" I asked. "Oh umm Kyle hi" Stan said nervously. "Who'd you hit!" I replied angrily. Stan cleared his throat. "You dumbass! He punched you once in the arm and you ran away crying like a little baby!" Clyde said. My eyes narrowed. That son of a bitch. "You lied! You fucking bastard!" I yelled. "Uh, maybe I exaggerated a little" Stan confessed. "You attempted to punch me , I grabbed your arm twisted it and I walked away!" I yelled angrily. "No way! Stan could slaughter you in a heartbeat" Clyde called out. "Please, Kyle is a badass!" Wendy argued back.

"I have an idea. You guys will fight after school and the winner gets the loser as his personal slave for a week!" Cartman suggested. "You're on" Stan said while pointing at me. "Fine" I sighed. The secret is I've been going to martial arts classes after school for at least a two years now so that I could protect myself against bullies. I'm a blue belt which is pretty good since I've been there for only two years. Everyone disbanded and we went to our classrooms. The lines were still there on the ground. I guess the Janitor didn't clean them up. I sat on the side labeled LGBTQA and opened my text book. Classes were normal; the teachers didn't really seem to notice the lines on the floor or at least didn't care.

At lunch time I sat which my usual people Kenny, Margarine(Butters) and Wendy. We talked about normal stuff and I brought up the idea for wristbands. "We should have everyone in the LGBTQA group wear a wristband of their flag. The homosexual flag, bisexual flag, transgender flag, heterosexual alliances flag and all the others" I said. "That's a great idea! We can buy them online and hand them out to people" Wendy added.

"We should also start a support group. For all the people who need it in the LGBTQA community" Kenny stated. "That's a great idea, we could host it once a week" I suggested. "I think Tuesday's a good idea" Margarine said. "Ya, there are no after school things on Tuesdays anyways! This is gonna be awesome" I said happily. Life was pretty good right now.

A girl with long orange hair then ran up to me with worry in her eyes. "Kyle!" she said with tears filling her eyes. "What!?" I asked. Something is definitely wrong. "Tweek's standing on the roof threatening to jump off!" she informed. "Oh shit!" I exclaimed. The five of us ran outside to see Tweek standing on the edge of the roof. Tears were streaming down his face. "Tweek don't do it!" Wendy called out. "CLYDE!? IT WAS YOU! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Stan screamed out. What just happened?

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