Chapter 16| Lunch

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Time Skip~1 week

Kyle's POV

It's been a week now and Stan's been busting his ass trying to make things right between the people he's hurt. He's constantly following Margarine and Kenny around apologizing and doing things for him. I think that they're starting to forgive him but I'm not too sure. Apparently it was only Butters who Stan was seriously bullying, he only called the others names apparently. Nothing too serious. I start to play with my broccoli with my fork.

"Stan's been following us around a day" Kenny said while walking up to me with Margarine. "He keeps being nice to us and is constantly apologizing" Margarine added. "He's trying to make up with everyone he hurt" I responded. "Ya he said that, why is he doing it now though?" Kenny questioned. "I don't know" I replied.

I then saw Stan approaching us from the corner of my eye. He stood next to the table as he gripped the tray in his hands tightly, almost like he was nervous. A trail of red ran over the bridge of his nose and ended at his cheeks. He was blushing. "Can I umm uh sit with you guys?" Stan asked nervously. "Ya sure" I answered. He placed his tray next to mine and sat down next to me. "How long has it been?" I ask. "Since when?" Kenny asked. "Since we've all sat together like this" I reply. "It's been a long time" Margarine said while emphasizing the word long. Stan nodded in agreement.

"Are you really sorry?" Kenny asked Stan. "Yes! For everything, I was being ridiculous and so many things were happening to me and I took it out on poor But-Margarine. I was being a shithead and I really want to make things right" Stan replied. "What you did to me was real bad but I think that you're okay. You're a real nice guy Stan you just became an asshole for a while" Margarine said. "I guess if she can forgive you.....I can too" Kenny replied. "Really?! So now I'm good with everyone!" Stan said excitedly. "I guess so" I replied.

Stan looked extremely happy to be well off with everyone now. I'm glad he's gotten better so fast. " Oh Kyle, I have a friend I think you'd like. He's gay, super hot, really nice and is very fabulous" Kenny said. I chuckled a little. "What's his name?" I ask. "Sean" Kenny replied while taking out his phone he pulled up a picture of Sean and handed me the phone. "Whoa!" I exclaimed. Stan peered over at the phone. "Meh he looks so Emo" Stan commented. "You used to be Emo dumbass" I replied. I studied the picture.

He had orange emo hair with with black died into it as well as a nose piecing and he was wearing a little eyeliner. His clothing was black and his skin was pale. He was slightly muscular and pretty skinny. He had emo written all over him and he was soooooooo sexy. "So" Kenny said. "So? He's a fucking god!" I replied. I saw Stan roll his is and then look away. "You wanna meet him?" Kenny asked. "Yes! When is he free?" I asked. "Well Token's having a huge party this weekend so I'll bring him with me" Kenny said. "Sounds great!" I replied happily

Stan POV

Fucking emos and their godamn sexy hair! Kyle is mine! Stupid Sean, I'm gonna kick him in the balls when I see him. "So what are you guys doing after school today?" I said trying to get off the topic of Sean. "Nothing" Kyle replied in his sweet voice as usual. "We're going on a date" Kenny replied while pulling Margarine closer to him. I wish I had that. "So you wanna do something?" I asked Kyle. "Ya sure" Kyle replied while taking a bite of his broccoli.

I've been thinking of coming out to everyone else in the LGBTQA group but I'm not sure. I mean I was literally their arch enemy and now I'm just gonna all of a sudden come out as gay, ya no. Kyle's the only person that knows and I trust him enough to not tell anyone. I do like him, I don't know why I deny it sometimes but I know I do. I think it's out of fear, like I subconsciously don't want to be thought as gay. I finished up my lunch and then brought my tray over to the garbage can to dispose of my trash. After that I put my tray with the rest of the dirty ones.

I headed to my next class which was biology. I then went to all the classes that I normally go to and finished up the school day. As soon as my last class was over I walked over to Kyle's locker. I waited for him there until he approached me. "Hi" I greeted trying to be cheery. "Hey" Kyle replied while smiling gently at me. "I just need to pack up and then we can go, ok?" Kyle said. I nodded in agreement. Kyle then put his things in his bag and we started off.

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