Chapter 11| I'm Not Gay!

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Stan's POV

Tears start to slide down my face as I knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Kyle yells from inside. He opens up the door to see me. He's wearing a black T-shirt and dark ripped jeans his emerald green eyes staring at me. They narrow as he stares longer. "What do you want?" he asks while folding his arms. "Kyle! My parents just threw me out of the house and refuse to let me back in! Please, please, please help me! I have no where else to go!" I plead while falling on my knees. Nailed it. "So let me get this straight:you bully, assault and abuse gays, you drive them to suicide, probably yell and swear at your parents because you had to be my slave and then expect ME to help you" he says. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This isn't working. "Not to mention called me a fag countless times and threatened to beat me until I was unconscious" he added.

"What do you want in exchange for help?" I mumble. "What did you say?" he asks. "I said what do you want in exchange for help?" I repeat louder. I put my head down so that he cannot see my face. "I want you to admit it" Kyle replied. "Admit what?" I ask. "I want you to admit that you are gay" Kyle replies. "But I'm not-" "You keep saying that, but I don't believe you. You blush when you're around me and get nervous when I ask about why you don't like gays. It's because you can't admit to yourself that you are gay" Kyle explains. I stand up and start to back away. "I-I-I'm not gay!" I reply. Kyle walks towards me, his face maybe an inch or two away from mine. "You're blushing" Kyle said while smirking at me.

"I told you I'm not-" I stop talking as Kyle grabs my hands and intertwines them with his. "It's alright Stan, you can come clean. I'll accept you" Kyle says in a soothing calm voice. I pull my hands out of Kyle's and back away again. "I'm not a fucking fag!" I yell. I start to run back down the block I'll just sleep in an ally of something because there's no way I'm going anywhere else. Fuck this! Fuck today! And fuck Kyle and his pretty green fucking eyes!

Kyle's POV

"Who was at the door Kyle?" my mom asks. "Just Stan asking about something" I reply. "Ok sweetie" my
mom replies. I sigh as I walk upstairs to my room. It's obvious that Stan is gay and just really doesn't want to admit it. But how? How can I get him to do it? I sit down at my desk and continue with my math homework. I finish around 7:00 so I decide to study for our Social Studies test. I put the book down after a while and decided to
go to sleep.

I changed into my pajamas, well I basically just stripped and put a T-shirt on. I'm too tired to give a fuck. I throw myself into my bed and pull the light blanket over my thin body. I turn out the light and try to go to sleep. All I can think about is Stan, the closet sucks he should really just come out. He's making this so much harder for himself even though I told him I'd support him if he comes out. He may have been bullying Butters like crazy but I beat the fuck out of him and embarrassed him in front of the ENTIRE school. I'll make it worse if I have to! My point being is that he's still the same old Stan, he's just scared to admit he's gay so he bullies others to try and hide it.

What am I saying? He's a heartless bastard! Goddamit I'm so fucking confused. I want to help him and get him out of the closet so that he can be happy but on the other hand he deserves to suffer. I do feel for him still. But I don't know what kind of feeling it is. Maybe I want him back as a friend but maybe........maybe I want more from him. Fucking A! I need to go to sleep I have a big test tomorrow. Well at least tomorrow's Friday. T.G.I.F.......almost.

I woke up a little later than usual but I wouldn't be late or anything. I got out of bed, brushed my teeth and then my hair, put on some clothes, ate some cereal and left for school.

I arrived about 10 minutes early so I just sat down and continued to study for the test later. At the teacher's desk I spotted an old man about the age of 70 sitting where Ms. Dane our math teacher was supposed to be. "We have a substitute" Kenny said to me. "Looks like it" I replied. Kenny sat down and the bell ran. "ALRIGHT IN YOUR SEATS!" the man yelled. Jesus he's fucking loud. "My name is Mr. Gray! And I'll be teaching you math! The most important subject there is!" he yelled. This guy looks crazy. "What the hell is this?!" he examined while staring at our white board. "Umm the board" I replied. "Where's the chalk!" he yelled. "Back in 1934" Cartman mocked. "Who just called out?" he asked. The room was silent. "Who was it!" he yelled while banging his fist on my desk. "Ahh it was Cartman!" I yelled in fear while pointing at Cartman. "You're the same size as Kim Kardashian's butt! And that's a big tushus!" he commented.

FYI for the people who don't go to my school. Mr. Gray is a real person, he's my home room teacher and I have him for math and religion (I go to a catholic school FYI). Everything he says is based on his real life personality and he does these things and all his stories are true ones he told me.

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