Chapter 18| Dinner

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Stan's POV

Why? Why did you fucking tell him that?!!!!! You suck at keeping secrets. "Oh, I see" my dad said quietly. I stood in front of him with my head hung low and my arms crossed. "It's ok Stan, I'll love you no matter who you like" my dad said comfortingly. "Thanks, can you umm not tell mom?" I asked. "Of course Stan" my dad said. There was a long awkward silence until my dad broke it by saying "Do you wanna talk about it?". "No, can you please just leave me alone" I ask. "Of course" he said as he shut door and walked away.

Alright that's over, thank GOD! But I still can't believe I fucking said that! I'm such an idiot, I literally just told the person I liked that I have a crush on him! What is he gonna think of me? Ugh why do I have to be a fucking faggot? I walked back over to my bed and let my body fall back on top of it. I grabbed the pillow I was crying on from before and cuddled up with it. I squirmed my way into the fetal position and tried to fall asleep. I don't want to do anything right now but sleep, I don't even care if it's taco night.

I lied there for hours trying to fall asleep but it felt impossible with all the shit running through my mind. What's gonna happen tomorrow? Will we still be friends? Will he like me back? Will he hate my guts? Will he tell someone? And to make it worse I'm afraid that my dad's gonna tell my mom or someone else because he sucks at keeping things to himself!

"Stan! Come down stairs it's time for dinner!" my mom yelled from downstairs. "I'm not hungry!" I yelled back. I then heard someone walking up the stairs and towards my room followed by a knock on the door. "Go away" I said loudly. My mom opened the door and put her hands on her hips. "You need to change your attitude and come downstairs RIGHT NOW! Shelly has invited her boyfriend over to meet us and I don't want you to make a scene!" my mom said angrily. "Fine" I sighed. She then stomped out of my room and shut the door. I popped out if bed and stretched my arms.

Since when does Shelly have a boyfriend? She didn't tell me shit. I looked in the mirror and fussed with my messy hair for a bit. I was wearing normal clothes so I didn't need to change. I walked down the stairs and sat at the set table. Shelly then walked over to me with an excited look in her eyes. She was wearing a nice dress and her makeup was done up nicely with as well as her hair. Ever since she got her braces off she was drowning in boys.

"I can't believe mom and dad are gonna meet David!" Shelly said happily. "Since when do you have a boyfriend anyway?" I asked. "We've been dating for like a month" she said. After those words we heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it!" Shelly said excitedly.She then ran over to the door and opened it with anticipation. Her expression changed when she noticed it was dad not her boyfriend. "I'm back, I had to stop by Jimbo's to get his gun" dad said while carrying a rifle into the house.

"Dad, David's gonna think we're a freaky family" Shelly whined. "I just want him to know the consequences if he hurts my little girl" dad said while aiming the rifle at the wall. "Randy stop!" my mom said while walking over. "What? Sharon I want to keep my baby safe is that a crime!" he said angrily. "For Christ's sake Randy she's 18! She's a women now" my mom said. My dad grunted and carried his gun over to the table and sat down next to me.

The doorbell rang again and Shelly jumped with excitement. "I'll get-" "No I'll get it Shelly!" dad said while interrupting Shelly. My dad then stomped over to the door with his gun and opened it up. "Oh it's just you" he said in disappointment. "Randy who's at the door?" my mom asked. I walked over to the door and saw past my dads shoulder.

He looked familiar, red hair, pale skin, green ha- fuck it's Kyle. "Ya he's right here, Stan it's Kyle!" my dad yelled at me. I walked over to the door as my dad walked back into the house. I stepped outside and closed the door behind me. "Wh-what do you want" I stuttered embarrassedly. "I want to talk to you" Kyle said softly. "About what?" I asked. "What you said earlier, was it true?" Kyle asked me. "Maybe" I said trying to avoid eye contact. Kyle then grabbed my shoulders and pressed my body against the house. " 'Maybe' is not a fucking answer!" Kyle yelled. His face was a bright shade of red. Wait was he blushing?

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