Chapter 12| Drunk

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Kyle's POV

Everyone in the class burst into laughter. Kim Kardashian's ass?! He compared Cartman to Kim's ass! What the fuck!? We were all laughing hysterically. "You know one time, when I used to teach middle school I called this radio station in the middle of class and yelled at them. I told them I wanted to hear real news not some bullcrap about Kim Kardashian's rear or Justin Beiber getting drunk" he said. The whole class again started to laugh.

As Mr. Gray began to teach he kept the whole class observant. He cracked jokes about Tiger Woods and Kate Upton. All of a sudden the door to our classroom swung open. It was Stan and he looked completely trashed.

"What time were you supposed to be here!" Mr. Gray yelled. "9:00" Stan replied. Was he drunk? "And it's 9:15!" Mr. Gray yelled back. He was terrifying. "It's not that big a deal" Stan replied. "Oh ya, you coming in late shows that you have no respect for my effort. I came here at 6:00 to get ready for you kids and now you have interrupted these kids learning experience because you were too irresponsible to come in on time! You are not the exception you're gonna have to go wait in the hall!" Mr. Gray screamed. This guy was terrifying when angry. Stan didn't object and closed the door. Math class later ended with Mr. Gray given us double the homework because he said it'd be good practice.

As I exited the classroom I saw Stan lying on the ground next to it. He was fast asleep. "Goddamit Stan" I sighed while helping him up. Stan's eyes then started to open slightly. "Huh where am I?" he asked tiredly. "At school. Are you drunk?" I asked. Stan didn't respond but fell back asleep again. I sighed and started to drag him towards the boys bathroom. I proped him up next to the sink and splashed water in his face. He opened his eyes again and rubbed them. He yawned, his breath reeking with alcohol. "Were you drinking last night?" I asked. "Maybe" he replied. "Did you go home?" I asked. "No because my asshole parents kicked me out!" Stan exclaimed. "You're just like a child" I sighed while kneeling down to him.

I was directly in front of him and studying his face. He had huge bags under his eyes and looked extremely tired. He smelled of alcohol and garbage leading me to believe he slept in a dumpster or something like that and his eyes were droopy. His face then fell forward and landed on my left shoulder. I felt my face become warm, I was probably blushing. I wrapped my arms around him to help him up and brought him out of the bathroom. What should I do with him? Should I bring him home? First of all his jacket smells like shit so I'm taking it off him right now! I remove his jacket and give him mine because it's cold outside. "I'm bringing you home ok" I whispered to him. He was still dozing off on my shoulder so he just lightly nodded in response.

I brought him out of the school and walked him to his house. It took a while and I was missing school but I had no idea what to do with him. He couldn't possibly make it through school so bringing him home is the best option. I approach the door and knock waiting for a response. Then it hits me, his parents are at work! I'm such a fucking dumbass. I turn the doorknob but it's locked. "Do you have a key?" I ask the sleepy Stan. "Uhh no" he replies tiredly. I sigh and kneel down to his doormat. Oh good there's a key underneath it. I grabbed the key and unlocked the door. Stan took a couple of steps and then fell onto the coach. He's asleep.....again.

I walked up to his room and grab the blanket off his bed. I bring it downstairs and lay it on him. I sit down next to him and pat him on the head. "You're such a pain in my ass" I say playfully to him. It'd be a good idea to leave a note for his parents to let him know what happened. I get up and grab a piece of notebook paper and a pen. I quickly scribble down 'Dear Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, Stan came to school today and slept in the hallway during our first class. His breath smelled of alcohol so I brought him home. He was falling asleep all the way so he immediately fell asleep on the coach. I understand that you kicked him out last night so I'm assuming he went out to a bar or club and somehow got in and got drunk. Sorry this happened to your son. From Kyle'.

"I'm going to school now ok Stan" I told him. He was fast asleep so I just left and went back to school. I looked at my watch and checked the time. 10:30, good I can still make English class if I hurry. I start to run in anticipation to get to English class. I run quickly and make it to school at 10:45, I have 5 minutes. I walk into the empty halls towards my locker. I grab what I need for my next class and wait. I wonder how Stan is.

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