Chapter 7: Good Boy ;)

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The journal was almost full of notes, reminders, tips, and events that happened by the end of the month. Chan often came around once a week to check up on everything. Since I was stuck at home making sure nothing bad happened to Grandma, he would go out, get groceries, and chop the firewood. He even shoveled the snow around the house so it was easier to move. The snow was thawing though, the temperature rising two degrees per week. At that rate, it was going to be spring in a matter of only three or four months. Then again, this weather is highly unpredictable.

Grandma's memory loss episodes happen once a month now, which is much worse than it was before. The doctor checked in again, saying that she was propelling really quickly into Stage 4 of Alzheimer's. With the right care though, which was me in this case, we tried our best to slow it down. The doctor also said that the 4th stage tends to last years, so we had time. Everything was going to be fine. For the most part, she still remembered me and everything was normal. But when she had those mini forgetful moments, they turned into things from misplacing her glasses to forgetting to put out the fire. That's why I took control of all household responsibilities.

"How's it going lovely ladies?" Chan called out as he waltzed into the room. After a while of him being around, he became almost part of the family. Not only did he help me with everything including taking care of Grandma, but he even listened to me when I needed to talk or let my emotions out.

I smiled at his boldness. "Not bad, everything's going good so far. You?"

He giggled so lightheartedly that I felt like melting. How could someone so scary be so cute? "I'm alright, mate. Nothing I can't deal with,"

"Sounds like something's up," Grandma suspected. He giggled again.

"Nothing's wrong, 할머니 (Grandmother)."

"Oh dear, alright then. You walked so far just to crack a couple jokes, hm?" Grandma asked him.

A laugh escaped his lips every time him or someone else spoke, it made me feel so happy. "Of course not," He responded, glancing towards me. I signaled for him to come into the kitchen.

I pulled up a chair for him, and he took a seat. Then, I placed a hot plate of breakfast for him on the table. This was our routine now, and it's been like that for a while. I promised to feed him breakfast and lunch because it was the only form I had of payment to him. Still he insisted against it, but I wasn't going to let him do all of this without repaying him.

He really enjoyed my cooking. After every meal he'd compliment my "amazing" chef skills, then debate with me about washing the dishes. To my surprise, he really enjoyed meat products the most, so I'd always make something with meat in it for him. This man was almost all carnivorous.

Chan shoved the first bite into his mouth. His eyes lit up with enjoyment as he began to, quite literally, dig in. When he was done, he smiled at me. I took his empty plate, placing it in the sink to wash later. By later, I meant in only 10 minutes since I had nothing else to do.

"I love your cooking so much. You should open a business," he suggested.

I sighed happily. "You know I can't. It isn't exactly my life goal either, but it would be fun." I looked out the window for a second, switching the subject. "How's the weather today?"

He shrugged, furrowing his eyebrows. "I would say it's about the same. Around 10 degrees Celsius."

I lifted my eyebrows. "Oh! That's not bad..." Smiling, I looked down again, heading over to the sink to wash the dishes. Half way through I heard some talking between Chan and Grandma; the sound of the water running wasn't exactly helpful though.

"Maybe I should take a scroll outside?" Grandma said, thinking out loud.

"I'll come with you, if you want," Chan offered. I blushed at his consideration.

"Oh yes! Let me just use the bathroom real quick!" Grandma said, getting up and hobbling off to the restroom, which was in the back of the house, next to my room as well as her's. The sound of Chan's footsteps came closer to me. I finished washing the few dishes in the sink, wiping off the water on my hands onto a cloth towel. Proceeding around the kitchen, I made my way to the 'fridge' in the corner of the kitchen. What should I make for lunch?

"Are you going to come with us, Collete?" Chan asked me.

"As much as I would love to, I need to start preparing lunch and stuff," I turned back to him, shutting the door to the ice box.

He came closer to me. I was confused until he trapped me against the counter. A devilish smirk appeared on his face. Most people would be wide-eyed in shock, but when it came to Chan and I, it was different. I smiled back at him, pushing him off of me playfully.

"I said no. Good puppy," I said in a baby voice as if he were a real dog. I pat his head, messing up his hair a little bit.

Chan came close to me once more, whispering something in my ear. He held me by my waist.

"Only for you, Little Red," 

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