Chapter 9: Little Puppy

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ϕ҂*೨⋆*ღ⊀҂ ❝Chan PV ❞ ҂⊁≬≭*೨⋆*

That night I had a dream. I slept sound asleep on the couch in the cottage. They insisted upon it so heavily, I felt inclined to listen. I passed out peacefully into my sleep, but a nightmare was waiting for me at the other end of the dream tunnel I had entered.

It was all black until I opened my eyes, finding myself in my bed at home. Confused, I wandered around, trying to find someone. There stood Collie, a beautiful red dress hugging her body. Her eyes looked dead, emotionless even. I stood there, staring at her as she flashed a toothy smile. Her teeth were sharp, the devilish smirk piercing through every emotion I had.

A little kid came running down the hallway where Collete and I were standing. "Appa! Look!" The child called to me, holding a dead rabbit in his hand. He looked like Collie, hair more like mine, dark and frizzy. Was this... my child with Collete?

I didn't dare say anything. I just stared. "Appa? What's wrong?" the little boy asked me. I shifted my gaze towards him, shocked at the realistic resemblance he had between her and I.

"Where's your noona?" Collie questioned the little boy. He frowned. "She's with the mentor trying to kill a deer."

She scooped the little boy off his feet, picking him up and heading down the hall in the opposite direction than I was standing. She whispered to the little boy something about going somewhere, then paused to look over at me. "Are you coming, Chan?" Her voice seemed so... unsettling. Is this what would happen if I married her? She'd be forced to change completely just so we could mate? I didn't want her to lose the sparkle that shined in her eyes. Not like this at least.

I shook my head, still not speaking. "Very well then," she followed up her previous sentence with, then heading off to wherever she was going. The rest of the day within the dream, I sat in a chair, waiting for the dream to end. I knew it was going to, but my tears didn't know that, and tried to escape anyways.

My whispers outside of the dream filled the cottage. I could someone shake me, trying to wake me up outside of the dream, except I was too scared to open my eyes. In my dream, Collie came to me, this time holding something that I regret my imagination for even thinking off. In her hand, she held the head of a human. Blood dripped from the severed neck. The human looked so scared before it was ripped off. What a harsh way to die. She tossed the head onto the floor, no remorse left inside her. She was soulless.

Her nails were long and sharp, sharp enough to slash off someone's skin. She walked over to me, running her sharp nails against my cheek. My muscles stiffened up. Go away, this is just a dream.

"What's wrong?" It didn't sound like her voice that came out of her mouth. It sounded like someone else, this wasn't the Collete I knew. "Are you scared, little puppy? Why are you scared of your own creation? This is what you wanted."

My whimpers got louder and louder until I felt someone's warm hands touch me. It wasn't like Collie's cold skin. I forced my eyes open, only for them to be met with her's once again. This time her eyes were shining brighter than the stars, full of life and emotion. This is the Collete I knew. This is the one I loved, the one I'd die for. My uneven breath began to even out now, calming down at the sight of normal Collie. It was just a dream. Evil Collete doesn't exist. My panting was thick and heavy, dragging air into my lungs, replacing the oxygen I no longer needed. Drops of sweat formed on my forehead. I wiped it off, trying to cool myself now. My racing heart felt as if it were going to jump out of my chest at any moment.

"Chan, Chan! It's okay, I'm here. Don't worry, everything will be fine," Her voice sweetly said to me, comforting me in every way I needed right now. She wrapped her arms around me. Her hugs were always the best. I returned the favor, putting my arms around her as well. I didn't want to let go of her, if I did, I feared that I would never get to hold her like this ever again. She felt real. She is real. Unlike the one I had witnessed in my dream. She gently ran her fingers through my messy, brown hair. It was soothing. I couldn't help but remember the way she traced her long nails against the skin on my cheek in my dream. This Collete was different. I would never hurt her. If that's what's going to happen if I mated with her then God so help me I won't.

My feelings deep down begged to differ. Deep down I already knew I had fallen for her that day I saw her prancing around in the autumn leaves when she was nine. That day, I would've never imagined I'd be sitting here, embracing her tightly in my arms at 1 am. That day was a fateful day. I knew just by looking at her that I wanted her to be mine, I just didn't want to come on too strong. Most boys my age back then would say they've "fallen in love" with just about any or every pretty girl they've seen. But I was sure that I've never felt this way towards anyone else.

She moved away from me a little so she could see my face. We stared deep into each other's eyes. Both of our eyes were filled with passion, our hearts on fire. This was love. This was my Collie. "Are you alright?" She asked me softly. I wanted to tell her that I was now that she's here, but I knew I couldn't without coming off too bold. Knowing me, I'd say it anyway. Like hell I did.

"I'm alright now that you're here," 

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