Chapter 15: The Letter

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This chapter is dedicated to MyFortuneKookie  thank you for reading my work and leaving comments! All those comments meant a lot to me, and encourage me to keep writing!<3

ϕ҂⋆*ღ⊀ ❝Collete PV ❞ ⊁≬≭೨⋆*

I rubbed my eyes tirelessly. What time is it? The sun is shining, so I'd say past Eight O'Clock. As summer came closer, the sun started to wake up earlier and earlier with it's bright, humid glow. It lit up the house, which is something I'm thankful for because it meant I didn't need to light any candles when I first wake up. It also added a comforting layer of warmth to the house. Waking up in winter was painfully chilly against my bare feet, now that it's summer it was more tolerable since there was no cold wood anymore. No need for burning wood, candles, or snuggling up next to the fireplace. 

Baby Bread- or I guess Jeongin now?- laid lazily on his back, his stomach facing up towards the sky as if asking any passer-by-ers to rub his bully. A small giggle came from me as I observed the cuteness of the small fox. His fluffy tangerine-colored fur appeared almost neon with the light of the sun against it. Whenever I look at him, I always wonder how this little guy made his way to me; into my home, my life... my heart too. 

Without thinking twice, I picked Baby Bread up in his slumber-like state. Not a flinch came from him as I proceeded to hold him close to me. "Awww, Baby Bread~" I cooed as I stroked his silky fur. "What could I do without you?" Yet another giggle escaped as I practically choked the poor baby to pieces. I couldn't help but think, "So cute and fluffy!"  every time I saw him. 

I closed my eyes for a second, taking a deep breathe. Wow.  Holding a baby fox is more therapeutic than I fathomed. Feeling much better, I looked around the kitchen. What shall I do today? Baby Bread wiggled a bit, then opened his eyes. His big eyes were full of wonder, it was like looking into a galaxy. It took a second for the realization to kick in, but once it did it, he jumped out of my arms. I gasped in fear as he fell. Relief washed over my tense body when he landed on his feet. 

"Baby Bread! Be careful!" I scolded. He looked up guiltily as if acknowledging what I had said. He's the smartest fox I've ever met. 

I sighed. "I'll make you some food. How does meat sound?" 

The baby fox nodded in response, somehow forming a smile. The intelligence of this small creature left me awestruck. Still, a smile spread on my face as well. 

I made my way to the ice box. Pulling out some cold meat, I set down a piece of fabric before laying the meat down. My body froze for a moment. There, in front of me, was a letter addressed to 'Collie'.  My heart skipped a few beats. That's when I realized- Where is Chan? I'm sure he'll be back... I shouldn't worry. But... why is there a letter? My heart beat started to pick up, going at an unhealthy BPM as I ripped open the fold. 

"Dear Collie,"  I began to read aloud.

"When you read this, I will have already left. I don't know when I'll be back, but I cannot guarantee any time soon. Please do not be alarmed, I have request for Jeongin to protect you. Everything is going to be okay. One day, we'll meet again. The time I've spent with you were more precious than everything I've ever felt, I will always cherish the memories you've given me. Thank you for being in my life, Collie. I promise, I'll return to you again," 

Tears began to run down my face. Ch-Chan....

"Although, I cannot tell you were I am going, I hope you keep me in your mind and never forget me either. Please, do not look for me either. If you do, something bad may happen, and I can't afford to lose you. I swear on my life, I will protect you. No matter what. One day... some day... I'll get to hold you close once more. I'll miss you, Collie. Goodbye." 

My breath became heavy as I gasped for air. Baby Bread, who was now fully awake, came up next to me and snuggled against me feet. It was a nice attempt to comfort me, but it wasn't very affect. Not after the pain I've just experienced. My hands that shook with sorrow dropped the letter. I too, fell to the floor. A squeal came from Baby Bread as he started to rub frantically against me. I took a deep breath. 

"It's okay... Baby Bread...." I lied. "I'll be okay..." 

In some miraculous way, Baby Bread looked... concerned. I picked up the small creature in my arms again, this time holding him much closer than before. "Chan said you'd protect me... I guess he's right." I scoffed in disbelief, leaving a hint of relief in my semi-sarcastic tone. 

Planting a kiss on the top of his head, I whispered. "We'll be okay. We'll manage." A remorseful smile crossed my face. It'll all be okay. I just hope he's  okay. I closed my eyes, forcing myself not to think anything negative. At the end of the day though, was I wrong to be worried? 

ϕ҂⋆*ღ⊀ ❝Chan PV ❞ ⊁≬≭೨⋆*

I growled loudly, my body transforming back. With anger written on my face, I furrowed my brows. My eyes were blank, almost dead-looking as I started with hatred into the souls of everyone around me. All the wolves whimpered, moving backwards. The eyes of those in human form were filled with fear and shock as I made my way towards Woojin. 

"C-Chris!" Jisung called, worried shook his voice. I ignored him. When I got to Woojin, I stared him down. Enraged, I grabbed him by his collar and pushed him up against the wall. A gasp escaped his mouth as he tried to plead for me to let go. Changbin, who I couldn't see, yelled from behind me. 

"Chris! Let him go!" He tried to defend, but his voice fell under with an unsure tone. 

"WHY SHOULD I!?" I exclaimed, turning my head away from Woojin. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE'S DONE!?" 

Whispers from everyone around us filled the cave. Jisung and Changbin looked at each other with a confused expression. "But Chris-" an unfamiliar voice spoke up. 

"NO!" I shot back. Turning back to look at Woojin, I stared straight in his eyes, almost as if I were looking through him. My hand pressed harder against him, my grip on his throat tightened. My voice went deep and quiet as I spoke. 

"Let me kill this Bastard," 

Screams filled the air as Woojin dropped to the floor. I huffed. Screw this. 

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