Chapter 12: Baby~

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A fox coming here and out of hibernation was a sign that winter was ending, and it was time for spring soon. That meant that my pack, along with other animals, were going to be waking up soon. Since my father is no longer around, it's my responsibility to take control of everything and step in as an Alpha. The thing that bothered me about this thought was that I couldn't stay here and protect Collete while I was gone. It sucked.

Although Baby Bread meant the qualifications as a guard wolf, I don't think he's old enough to take on any potential predictors yet. The smell of his fur started to rub off on Collie though, which was rather irritating because she no longer smelled unmarked. Being around me, however, definitely was beginning to rub off as well.

The day became later, shifting its way into night time. Baby Bread had made himself rather comfortable on Grandma's lap while Collie was busy around the kitchen, preparing food for all of us and our new little guest. Now I have to share my meat, and that's one thing I'm not quite fond of doing.

Whenever I saw her with Baby Bread, a tense of jealousy ran through me, yet at the same time, it was so cute how she loved the little fella. Almost as if Baby Bread were her own child, or little brother. It was more like caring older sister vibes rather than motherly.

"Baby~" Collete called from the kitchen. Thinking she was addressing me, I went over to her.

"You called?" I asked her. She looked confused. Something must've clicked in her brain because she giggled.

"No, Chan! Not you!" I felt stupid. She bent down, setting down a plate of pasta with meat sauce. "I'm talking to my little hungry Baby Bread~" Collete explained in a baby voice while petting the baby fox. It felt more as if she were talking to him rather than me.

"I feel replaced," I huffed poudily, sitting down at the dining table. She giggled again.

"You'll get used to it. He's just a baby after all," I rolled my eyes.

"Then he should grow up and fight me like a real man," I defended. This isn't fair. I used to get all the attention. I used to be Granny's favorite. Suddenly this tiny little fox thinks he can take me on? Funny.

At the sound of his name, Baby Bread looked at me, letting out a small, cute but weak growl. She laughed at it, which made me more envious. You're lucky that Collete is here or else I would've growled so loud that you'd go back into hibernation.

"Oh, Chan. One day you'll appreciate his cuteness," She told me, trying to sound convincing.

We're creatures of nature though. We're supposed to be out hunting in the wild not being pampered by cute cottage versions of Little Red Riding hood. You can't domesticate us, we're-

"Here is your food, Channie~" She set a plate down in front of me.

"Oooo~" I unconsciously said, picking up the stake and taking a giant bite out of it. On second thought, I'm fine with being domesticated. As long as it's only by her.


Once we all finished our dinner, Granny left for her bedroom. Collete offered to let me sleep on her bed, but I refused since I wanted to respect her personal space. I was offended though, when I witnessed her picking up Baby Bread and taking him to her room. Now this really isn't fair.

Like usual, I made myself comfortable on the couch. Hopefully my nightmare about Collete won't come back today. I'd never go back to sleep ever again if it did.


A sound of rummaging came from the kitchen. I woke up to the sound of it. It was only 11 or 12 o'clock at night when I heard something. If someone had snuck past me, or broken in, I would've known. That's weird, how did I not detect it? Must've been Baby Bread breaking into the ice box trying to get more meat.

I got up to check it out, my vision going black for a split second from standing up too quickly. When I finally made my way to the kitchen to what I thought would be a tiny fox, my eyes widened in surprise. There, standing next to the ice box was a human. This isn't Baby Bread.

"Who are you?" I asked firmly. The man turned around, a giant smile spread on his face.

"Hyung!" He exclaimed happily, running to me and giving me a hug. Who the hell is this weirdo!?

I pushed him off of me, my thoughts racing as to how he got inside and what he was doing here. Looking behind him, I realized the containers that held meat and left overs were open. Was he looking for food and broke into her while trying to find something?

"What's wrong?" He pouted.

"Who the hell are you!?"

He looked sad, his sparkling eyes dimmed down a bit. "It's me! Baby Bread!"

My eyes widened. So he is a hybrid. I thought he was just really clever for a normal animal- guess I was wrong.

"B-Baby Bread?" I asked, shocked at new information. Now that I've seen him in his human form, I could see the resemblance between him and his animal form. Wow. It's insanely similar, as if he barely changed. His big, shiney, dark brown eyes were full of happiness. His playful nature, and his clever smile. His skin was pale and blemish free, smoother than butter. He had wavy, dark hair.

He eagerly shook his head with excitement, he had the energy of a crack head after eating a birthday cake. Jumping up to hug me again, I stayed standing in place, not able to fully process what was happening. Still stunned, I pushed him off of me to get a better look at him. I grabbed his face, moving it left, then right, trying to get a full mental scan of what he looks like as a human.

When I was done comprehending, I came to a realization.

This really is Baby Bread.

"What's your name? Where are your parents? Why are you here? How old are you? When did you wake up? Why did you choose Collete? How did you get here?" I started firing questions at him. He whimpered at the sudden interrogation. Must've felt overwhelmed.

"H-Hyung, that's a lot of questions," He commented with a concerned voice.

"Just answer, Shortie," I demanded. In truth though, he was going to grow to become taller than me, I already knew that for a fact.

"My name is Jeongin, I woke up a few weeks ago, and... what were the other questions?"

"Your parents? Hibernation? Why did you come here? How did you get here-"

"Okay okay!" He exclaimed, starting to feel overwhelmed.

"M-My parents were hunted," My heart sank.


That's worse than I fathomed.  

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