Chapter 14: Long Walk Home

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This chapter dedicated to storminsidemycore <3 Thank you for always reading my books, even from the very beginning! Ily <3


Why had that day come so soon?

The day I dreaded the most like a coursing river falling ignorantly down a mountain. That's what we call a waterfall. The tiny droplets of water, almost looking crystallized underneath the glow of the warm sun. The smell of the cold breeze that sent water splashing on my furry face. The taste of the clarity, the freshness like no other.

It reminded me of my home. In the summer, it became so lively. Birds chirping, singing away. Flowers of every shade you can imagine grew among the lush green fields and plants that sprouted around the waterfall. The way the light reflected off of the water was a purely whimsical illusion that, unlike deceiving us, greeted us, welcoming us into the cave behind the secret, saturated entrance.

I remember every summer I'd come back home, mostly dragged by my father. Well, until he passed of course. I'd see so many people and wolves, playing together, yelling, barking, yelping, and they all looked so happy. Since I was young, I never appreciated it the way I do now. The air was so much more breathable than the stuffy hair of the city.

I had only transformed into a wolf a couple times. But I was hidden away in the city for a long time. When I was five or six I believe, I took to where I call home now. Behind the mystical waterfall, was where my pack lives. To the far west of the waterfall is the burial ground of all our deceased friends, family, and fellow wolves.

The burial grounds is where my father is buried. As much as I hated his strictness... I wish he had never died. He wasn't the best father, but he was the best Alpha our pack has ever had. Not only did he protect each and every member of our pack, he took every bullet they did with them.

As a wolf, an Alpha, I'm proud to say that he died saving others.

As his son, I hate to say that it was my fault he passed away.

If I had moved quicker. He wouldn't have died.


I had left a note before leaving. Two, actually. One for Collete, the other for Jeongin. All I hope for is that they stay safe and protected. I would never forgive myself if something bad were to happen to them. I wouldn't cry nor scream, I wouldn't even wince. I'd just stand there and let the pain wash over me. I'll live my life suffering, and I won't complain. I wouldn't even have a right to if something did happen.

Hours have already passed. All on foot. I stopped in my tracks for a moment to stretch. I did a twist to the left, then to the right, my back making cracking noises as I did so. I grunted. All this walking left my back sore and cramped. That's when an idea popped into my head: Why don't I just transform back into a wolf and run the rest of the way? I'm not near the village, so no one's around to hurt me. Lord knows that if I go too close to civilization... they'd shoot me. They've done it before to other wolves, I've witnessed it before with my own two eyes.

We weren't able to save any of them.

Why would my pack do if that was me? They wouldn't even know. Actually- they probably already think I'm dead. God dammit... I'm such a crappy Alpha.

A feeling of dread came over me. I took a deep breath, trying to get my mind off of this thought. Rapidly, my body began to change shape, my skin growing fur at an abnormal pace. Closing my eyes, I let my body take form. When I opened them again, the world was black and gray. My sense of smell felt heightened by so much more than I was used to, although it really did not change much.

My paws started to move, going from a strut, to a jog, slowly turning into a sprint. Racing against the wind, the cold, and my past, I carried on moving closer and closer to the place I was born. The place I was meant to be. The place I was supposed to stay and not abandon for so long.

Hate's a strong word, but I certainly don't love myself.


White puffs of cold air fled my mouth as my breathing slowly settled from its heavy state. My half closed eyes opened wide as I noticed my surroundings.

Paradise. Lush green leaves sprouted from tall trees and well grown bushes that were home to small animals and berries. The sound of birds singing echoed through the forest and there- right in front of me- was the most beautiful sight to ever be witnessed. My home. It's fresh, cold water crashing down from the top of the giant, ragged mountain. A nice breeze carried some of the dead autumn leaves away, caressing my fur as it passed by.

Look to the left, then right. Deep breath in, then out. I'm home now.

My paws, as tired as they were, continued to walk towards the waterful. Water soaked my fur, all the way up to my legs as I proceeded into the lake. The icy-like water dumped on me and cleaned my dirty fur while I tirelessly dragged myself all the way through, cursing myself not to flinch from the cold.

Once all the way through I shook it off. The feeling of water soaking through my fur and on my skin made me squirm. On the other side of the waterfall is a cave, my cave, which is where my pack resided. All eyes were on me. All human eyes. Some wolves that were farther back in the cave came closer to me, growling as they did so. They didn't recognize me or my smell.

Wait a minute.

I smell like Collete and Jeongin. How would they know it's me unless I transform back? A small bark came from me, sounding more like a small dog than an Alpha wolf. Hearing such a weak bark from me, the growling came to an end. I looked up at those who were in human form. Changbin... Jisung... I missed them both so much. Seeing them for the first time in... years... was too shocking for me. A shuffle came from behind them. My gaze traced back to a human standing in the very back of the cave.


Why is Woojin here!?

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