Chapter 4

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The guards led us upstairs through the corridor once more. Instead of going left, we went right and were greeted by a beautiful terrace. That was gated. And sitting at the end of a very long table was Derek. He had guards line up outside the gate. He was extra. A lot extra. He must've been afraid we would escape.

He saw me, but he didn't make eye contact. I must have said something terrible even though I didn't. A part of me wanted to try and run to see how far I could get before a guard tried to grab me, but I knew that wouldn't be too far.

"Come sit, enjoy," he said. We sat as told. I was in front of Derek on the other end of the table. On the right side beside me was Riley and then Matthew. And on my left, Chloe and then Noah.  Riley finally spoke up.

"Awesome, we get one last meal before being killed," she said, rolling her eyes at him. He chuckles in amusement.

"The youngest wants to be a child psychologist, but yet she has the same problems she wants to help everyone else with," Derek spoke. Riley closed her mouth. She also wanted to be in law. But he didn't say anything about that. She looked at me and grinned sorrowfully.

"You know being a jerk is an option," Chloe said. Speaking up. He places his hands together.

"Says the nurse assistant, too scared to become a real nurse but too needy to be nothing. Must be nice being spoiled, getting everything handed to you," he said. And again, being a jerk.  She bowed her head. He looked proud of himself for these comebacks. He changed since yesterday. He was more snappy than when he was alone with me.

"Dude, what's your problem," Noah said. Getting upset. Derek raised.

"My problem is snobby rich kids like you four getting everything handed to you on a silver platter and not helping anyone with anything, being selfish; big sis gets it; she understands," he said, sitting back. Oh god, this was happening. Dad gave the two girls all the money they had to put them in school and I had to work harder for what I had. I didn't blame them for that.

"What is he talking about," Chloe asked. I shrugged. He chuckles.

"Right, I'll tell you, sis over there put herself through school because daddy left all the money he had to you two girls, well over forty grand, to put you two in school after giving both of you away to her, not giving her a dime to help raise you two, she did that on her own, but hey, four college students having an easy life living on big sis, must be nice," he said. Taking a bite of an apple. Riley looked at Me. And Chloe, too. In confusion.

"But hey, everyone eats. I'm sure you're all starving," Derek said. Such a prick. He was being worse than yesterday. This was out of hand. He didn't have to bring that up. He barely knew us. And he couldn't judge anyone. From the looks of it, he sits behind a desk, taking orders from someone who doesn't care about him and would shoot him dead if he didn't do his job.

After breakfast, we were escorted to a room with a long table and chairs. All office chairs. Derek headed the 'meeting,' as he called it. Riley and Chloe were still upset about breakfast. Noah and Matthew didn't speak after breakfast. Letting the room fall to silence. No one knew why we were here except for Derek, who was vague. I just wanted to let you know that this isn't going into detail.

"Jobs, Princess over there will help Red; emotional support counts, plus she's the legal team. Little Man, Matthew, and Noah will do research on a cure for what I have printed out and test it on the animals in our lab. Nursie over there will help give treatments, and when treatments are finished, Red will help the patient cope with the side effects, and big sis will help guide all of you," Derek said, placing his hands on the table. Riley and Chloe raise their hands, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Yes, Red," Derek said. She clears her throat.

"How will she guide us," Riley asks. It was a solid question.

"You won't see her for a long time, Red," Derek stands up and motions for one of the guards. He comes behind me, grabbing me around my shoulders. The rage in me was building. Riley and Chloe jump up with the boys. Derek looks at everyone in the room. I was being held against my Will, and it was not comfortable.

"Now, either listen, or big sis here understands it," Derek asked. They all look at me, and I nod once. Riley began to tear up, shaking her head no. Chloe was panicking. Noah grabs her hand. Matthew was also nervous, holding Riley's hand.

"So, are we in agreement," Derek asked. I glare at him. Riley pulled herself together.

"Yeah, we understand," she said. Derek grinned maniacally.

"Great, all 4 of you will be in one room. Safety purposes, and big sis, you'll be in a room alone where no one will know where you are," he said. I looked down, trying to fight back the tears. I could see Derek praising himself. But I ignored my instincts to look.

Four guards came in, grabbing and taking them away from me. Leaving me and Derek in the room alone. The guard that held me was still in there but in the corner. Derek looked at the guard in the corner, nosing his head to him. The guard grabbed me, guiding me out. And taking me upstairs to a room. I didn't know what to expect. It could be like a jail cell. Maybe the room is just a closet he's locking me in. I didn't know, but I wished we had never gone to the mall. Although he probably would have found us anyway. It felt lonely not having my sisters around. Or the boys. I was alone and would be until they were finished.

The guard threw me inside a room, and it was beautiful. It had deep blue walls, a dark wooden bed, gold and blue sheets, and a large quilt to match. The dresser was a six-drawer, two on each side, with a mirror attached, but it was a unique shape. It sat on the other side of the bed. There was a chandelier with crystals hanging from it. And a chaise that was gold in color with a blue cushion seat. A door stood to my right, and inside was a bathroom; it was gold-trimmed and navy in color. But with a maroon accent. So the walls were colored in both swirled together. It was beautiful.

The windows were locked from the outside. No way to get and the glass was thick plexiglass. Like police officers use, these people were smart. On the nightstand beside the bed sat a book; it had no title. But it was bookmarked. And there was a wardrobe too. It was oak, with gold handles. It was also beautiful. I walked over to see if I could open it. And sure enough, it wasn't locked. Inside were suit jackets like the one Derek was wearing. And pants. I searched the pockets to confirm and found a slip of paper; it had someone's name on it with a number. But it wasn't Derek's name. Then, while searching for another jacket, I found a wallet, and inside was his original driver's license. With his name 'Derek Sanchez.' The date of birth was March 20th, 1989. He was 30! Just turned. This meant Wilt was his room.

I was in Derek's room.

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