Chapter 22

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We filled her in on who she was. She couldn't believe Derek didn't tell us that. Derek didn't know she was coming up. In his defense, he didn't think we'd ever meet her, and I understood. I would feel the same way if I hadn't seen my sisters in five years, which is how long it had been. But she also had things she was busy with. So I could understand why she hadn't contacted him. 

Riley kept looking between me and Derek. Yes, it finally happened. The sexual tension was still there, but the feelings were out in the open. And he wasn't kidding himself now. He knew now that I felt the same. And I wasn't going anywhere. Or at least not of my own will.

"Just so we're clear, I'm telling Chloe," she said. Derek and I looked at each other, and both shrugged our shoulders.

"Tell everyone I'm not keeping it a secret," Derek said. Riley started to say something, but then she stopped and turned around.

"You're no fun when I can't screw your shit up," she said, walking out. He rolled his eyes.

"So, how do we feel about each other? I'm confused as to what just happened," I asked. Derek smiles.

"Honestly, I -I love you, yeah, I do. I love you, Addison, and I want us to be together, but not until all this is over," he said. I smile.

"I love you too, Derek, and I agree we should wait until this is over," I said, agreeing. He pulls me in for another kiss. This one was short and sweet.

"We can tell them we just love each other, but we don't have a label yet," he said. I nod, agreeing.

Both of us walk out of his room. Chloe and the others are waiting in the kitchen. Wesley and Dani had fixed breakfast for everyone. It was just French toast and oatmeal, but it was better than eating nothing. We had toast or bagels usually. So, oatmeal was stepping up, and the best part is it had cinnamon in it. So, it gave some flavor.

After breakfast, Wesley stuck to his promise of training, but Derek and Dani joined in. I was paired with Dani. While Chloe was paired with Wesley, and Derek was paired with Riley. She loves the challenge, so it didn't matter to her. Dani and I were a lot alike, more than I thought. Both were born in April, and both loved cooking.

"Alright, cheerleader, give it your best shot," Wesley said. I stopped for a moment. Dani, too. Watching what Wesley was doing with Chloe. It was exciting because Derek and Riley stopped to watch.

"I'm getting tired of being called that," she said, running towards him. He reached out to grab her, and she slid under him, taking his legs with her. I had never seen her like this before. She was serious. Chloe was a friendly, happy-go-lucky girl; today, she was fierce. Almost upset. He jumped up, waiting for her to attack again, but instead, she jumped on his back; he struggled to pull her off. She wrapped her legs around his waist from the back and pulled his hair.

"Damn, she's aggressive," Dani said. Derek and Riley joined. Matthew and Noah stood on the porch. Watching. Noah was grinning.

"Yeah, not usually; she must be pissed about something," I said. I looked at Noah again, who was no longer smiling. Derek followed my gaze. So did Riley.

"Something is up with them," I said. Riley agreed because she had never acted this way. I looked back at Wesley and Chloe. She began getting the better of him, holding him in a sleeper. He waves his hand in surrender, and she finally stops.

"I didn't," he coughs, "realize training was so aggressive."

She looked at him and realized what she had done then. Taking her anger out on Wesley. And she couldn't believe it. She was never aggressive like this at home or anywhere.

"Oh, Wesley, I am so sorry," she said. He puts his thumb up.

"It's fine; I will never call you that again; remind me never to get on her bad side again," he said as he stood up, striding past us. Dani looks at Chloe and nods. She approved. She was very aggressive today, though.

Derek grabs Riley, and he begins sparring with her again. He liked Riley like a little sister he could challenge. She sure did challenge him. Chloe had been indifferent. She didn't have an opinion about him. She didn't care. And she probably never would.

Dani and I started training again, throwing a few punches and blocking. Then, taking it up a notch, hand-to-hand combat training. That was tough. But it's not like I hadn't done it before. It wasn't new to me. At first, I was doing okay, but after a few minutes, I got even better. His sister was great, but I was in the zone. We then kicked it up a little bit more. I began using my feet. With one swoop, I bring her down to her back.

She is winded for a few moments, but she's fine after, and she gets back up. She runs towards me, but I wait until she's close to me, and I dodge her, bringing my leg out and tripping her. She faces plants the ground.  Riley points at me; Derek stops what he's doing to watch the sparring between me and his sister. I realize she's getting serious, so I also put on my serious face.

"Ooh, Someone has been training, not bad AG," she said. I looked at her, confused.

"Your middle initial is g so.."

"I got it."

She threw her hands up in defense. I wasn't trying to be rude, but she was getting on my nerves talking. She didn't know me and barely knew Derek; I didn't hate her, but I didn't know her well. She could have been trying to make me look bad. Or I could have been doing that on my own.

"Alright, let's see if you can beat me then," she said confidently. She was sure of herself. People like that barely made an impact on the world. And she wasn't making one on me.

"Bring it," I said.

She started to kick me from the front, but I caught her leg, twisting it and her too. And then I pushed her; she lost her balance. It wasn't long after that she tried rushing me but Moved to the side, and as she was still turned around, I kicked her knees out.

She was good in combat, but I trained with the best. She fell to her knees. Turning her head, she twisted her body, bringing her leg to catch mine, tripping me. I fell on my back. She jumped on top of me, but having upper body strength paid off at that moment. I threw her over my head, flipping her. She lands with a loud thud. Knocking the breath out of her for a second. I flip backward, rolling on top of her. She was so winded she didn't have the strength to knock me off. She waved her hands in defeat.

I get up, putting my hand on her to take it. She grabs my hand as I help her up. She coughs once and then looks at me in amazement or fear. I needed to find out which one. Until she said what she said to me, which shocked me.

"Damn, AG, where have you been hiding this girl Derek."

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