Chapter 12

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The moment you black out or pass out is when you get rest, right? It depends on the circumstances around you.  If you have a nurse for a sister, it's safer, but if you're with Lab technicians, they want to take blood and see what causes it. But I think it was clear what happened.

My eyes were groggy, my vision blurred, but I could make out my sisters amid everything. Noah and Matthew, too. I was on a stretcher, or it could've been a table. I wasn't sure. But the adrenaline had finally taken over, and I shot up from where I lay. Riley stepped back, and Chloe tried to tell me to relax. I couldn't settle. There were two crazy people with guns.

"Hey, hey, take it easy. You passed out cold," Chloe said. Riley nods in agreement.

"You were out for five minutes," Riley said. Five minutes? That was way too long. But I was feeling better now. I felt like I had the energy of 4 men. And they needed to understand.

"I think the adrenaline has kicked in; she is very alert," Noah said. He was right. I was. Chloe looked at my eyes, shining a light in it. And nods.

"Yep, it has; all the excitement causes an adrenaline crash where your body shuts down, only for a few minutes, but you get the adrenaline back once you wake up, usually not this soon, but you should be okay," Chloe said. I nod.

"Okay, but I'm in danger. The alarm is still buzzing, which means the two men haven't been caught yet," I said. They look at each other. They all think the same thing: if we stay together, we will be safer.

"We have to help them; they are here because of me," I said. They sigh, knowing I'm right.

And just like that, everyone was headed up to the office. One by one. I'm leading the ground. And Noah In the back. First, we were kidnapped and told to help someone find a cure for a disease we didn't know about. Then we decided to stay because Derek was having serious second thoughts, I was sure, and now we were about to walk into the crossfire and possibly get shot.

When we reached the office, I peeked out, making sure no one was in there, and there was no one. So I lead the group to the door, where Noah steps up and opens it, peeking out. And motions for us to follow. Matthew is in the back. Behind Chloe and Riley are behind me.  The alarms are still buzzing, and the guards are all searching the grounds. Wesley included. And no sign of Derek.

"Don't let them get away; find them," Wesley said, heading the group. They searched high and low but couldn't find them. I had locked them in the attic, and the door was still latched. It had yet to be busted open. Wesley catches us sneaking into the kitchen, and he runs to the lot of us. Disappointed we didn't stay hidden.

"Addison, what are you doing? You're supposed to be hiding," he said. I cross my arms again.

"Yet no one has caught them; I locked them in here," I said, pointing at the attic door. He nods.

"Stay here, and don't tell Derek, but take this in case," he says, handing me a tiny hand pistol.

"You know how to shoot one, right?" He asked I cocked it back.

"Of course I do."

He chuckles and tells us to stay hidden, but we remain in the kitchen just in case. If they were still up there, Wesley would need backup. So I did the one thing he didn't want me to do. I handed the gun to Riley and grabbed a butcher knife. Working in the kitchen often gave me a knack for utensils, and I was still high on adrenaline.

"What are you doing," Riley asks. I sigh.

"I'm helping him and being a hero; you know how to use one, so use it. I will be okay, I promise," I said. She nods.

I follow up the stairs with the butcher knife in my hand. What good it will do me in a gunfight, but at least I won't have to worry about going empty-handed. When I reached the top of the stairs, I didn't see Wesley. I didn't see anyone. So I walked further in. And In the corner tied up is Wesley. He sees me and shakes his head. I realized being in law when someone shakes their head, it means it's a trap, so seeing his gun lying beside my foot and knowing the two goons were behind me, I did what my adrenaline would allow me. I throw my knife backward, turning my head, hitting one of the goons in the knees, and I duck quickly, grabbing the gun and shooting the other in hand.

"Ahh," he screamed, dropping the gun. I rush to untie Wesley. He takes the gun from my hands and shoves me behind him, shooting, getting nothing but the wall. I see the hatch open, so I take the opportunity to make a plan. I tap on Wesley's shoulder. I took some self-defense, but my adrenaline took over, and I seriously wanted to hit somebody. No one had a gun except Wesley, so he turned, and I took it from him and threw it down the hatch.

"What the hell was that for," he said. I stepped in front of him. "Addison."

"Hey boys, you want a piece, come get it," I said. They looked at me, both of them injured from earlier. Neither one of them had a gun. And they charged at me. I twisted in front of one and tripped him with my foot. He fell down the hatch opening.

I saw Derek pop his head over. He must've been standing there for a few minutes.  The other grabbed me by the hair, but Wesley grabbed him, punching him in the face. It was the one with the shot arm. I stood still until he ran towards me again. I dodged him, and my leg came up, kicking him in the face with my sneaker. He wobbles and falls down the hatch. Wesley looked at me in amazement. I jumped down the hatch, landing on both feet; Wesley climbed down. Derek was confused; I could see it on his face.

"Damn, Addison," one of the men said. I got mad thinking about everyone being in danger, making my adrenaline rage worse. I climbed on top of the one that was cut with the knife. The original one. And I began punching him hard, and over and over and over.

I continued punching him over and over; I could feel his nose break beneath my fist. Blood splatter mostly from him. I hit him over and over until Wesley finally grabbed me and stopped me from killing him. Derek looked at the man and then at me. And he was either scared, amused, or impressed. I finally broke free from Wesley and ran to the other one. Punching him over and over. I didn't break his nose. I gave him a black eye and a busted lip.

"Addison, stop," Derek said. I stopped hearing him say my name.

"Damn, she's crazy."

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