Chapter 9

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Derek was harsh. Wesley was trying to help me get out of myself. Trying to keep my mind off things. Derek might not have understood that, but at least someone was nice to me and wanted me to do fun things. Derek would keep me locked up. And my sisters. But I needed to talk to them. Alone. And he probably wouldn't let that happen. But I thought I would take my chance.

"I need to talk to my sister alone," I said. Derek scoffed.

"Not happening, princess," he said. That was a change. Say my name one time, then back to princess again.

"Keep all the guards close if you want, but I want to talk to my sisters alone," I said. Derek shook his head.

"And I said not happening," he came back. Wesley grabbed my arm, shaking his head.

"No, Wesley, I want to speak with them; if I wanted to escape, I would have in the kitchen; this is important: those chess cakes I made, they were our mom's favorite; when they stopped eating, it was because mom uses to make them with us, I want to talk with them alone if only for 45 seconds," I said. I looked at Derek.

"Are you hearing me? I said not happening; drop it, Princess, you're not-"

"And you're not listening to me, asshole. Maybe you forgot you need us; if any of us decide to drown ourselves or slit our wrists, where would you be then, huh?"

"You just don't give up, do you? You're smarter than that princess," he said. I roll my eyes, standing up. He was getting under my skin. And he didn't care. I pick a piece of toast up, throwing it at him. Riley gasped. It hit him and bounced off of him, hitting the floor. He looked down, and Wesley stood up, grabbing me.

"Addison, Addison, stop," he said. Derek didn't say anything at that moment. He looked at Wesley and me. I looked at Wesley and shook my head. He was supposed to be on my side. I wanted to let my sisters know we weren't escaping; I would help Derek. But he was being a pest.

"TAKE HER BACK TO HER CELL," he yells. Wesley turned to him. He didn't want to take me back, but he had orders. He looked at me, raising a brow.

"Seriously, boss, I can stay right here; let her have one minute; she could have escaped with me, and she didn't; I will make sure she doesn't," he said. Derek huffed and looked at me and Wesley. And to the girls, the fear in their eyes broke him.

"Fine, you have one minute, and Wesley, don't leave the room," Derek excused himself.

The girls calmed themselves, and Wesley came through on his end; he stayed near the door while I talked to them in the back corner. Riley and Chloe only. They needed to know what I found out. Wesley covered his ears for a moment. Giving us privacy. The two boys sat at the table, waiting for the girls.

"Listen, girls, Derek was a police officer. Something happened, and he is now caught up in this; whatever this is, I don't think he will hurt us because he knows the law; he told me the other night he wasn't the monster. He's in the way of it, meaning he's trying to protect us from his boss by, well, I'm not sure how, but he's not going to hurt us, and I might get through to him. I share his room," I said, finishing. I still had 30 seconds. The girls look at each other.

"Okay, do we have a plan," Riley asked.

"Let me talk to him, then I will tell you again when we meet again at breakfast or dinner," I said.

My minute was up. Both girls understood what I said. He had something in him that didn't want this.  But he wouldn't admit that. Hopefully, I could reach him. And if I couldn't convince him I wasn't going to run but that I did want help, then I guess he didn't put much trust in me, and he doesn't care about doing what's right. I hope I was right. He would see me wanting to help.

After Wesley escorted me back into the room, I heard water running. It was probably Derek, which was good for me. But I would have to wait until he came out. So, as I waited, I went over all the possible things I wanted to say. Something that I knew he would take into consideration and believe. Like, I know he was a police officer and wants to do what's right, but he's being threatened. I can help him.
If he would believe that.

The water shut off, and I began feeling the knots tie up my stomach. I was terrified after the small fight we had. It wasn't much of one, but I hit him with garlic toast. And it wasn't thrown easy. I chucked it at him and hit him in the chest with it. And speaking of chests. Derek was in the shower. He came out in a towel and no shirt. His abs were cut like a model in a magazine, his muscles were that of a bodybuilder, and the water dripped off him. His hair was wet, but it was sexy. I shouldn't be thinking like that. I was still mad at him. And I had good reason to be. But I threw toast at him, so he had good reason to be mad at me. Maybe I should take it slow. He caught my eyes with his. And he stood still.

"I didn't hear you come in," he said. I nod, my lips pursing.

"I just wanted to apologize about the toast," I said, biting my bottom lip. He chuckles to himself.

"Feeling guilty, princess," he says. I look up suddenly. I realize he's patronizing me.

"I was, and then I wasn't, but I also wanted to say thanks for letting me talk to my sisters," I said. He placed his tongue in his jaw with his mouth half open.

"Did you plan your escape," he said. I stood up. And crossed my arms.

"On the contrary, it was more like we planned to stay willingly," I said. That caught him off guard. He crosses his arms.

"Why would you do that," he asks. He is still in a towel. And it takes a lot of work to focus.

"Would you get dressed," I asked. He shrugs.

"I guess, but after, I want answers," he said. I shrug like he did. I turn around, letting him dress himself. Seeing him in a towel took my breath. He was cut nice. I had never seen a body like that. When he was done, I turned around, and he had sweats on, still showing the v-line.

"Okay, um, I just think that," I stopped to take a breath, and I think he was enjoying this. He knew he had me distracted.

"Care to share," he said. Being a smartass.

"Actually, yes, I would; I wanted to help; we all are willing to help, not being forced to, but we don't want anyone, including you, getting hurt or killed," I spat. His facade dropped. He looked like he was ready to run. And if he had the chance, he would have. But what came next took me by surprise.

"Get out," he said. I tilt my head, a bit confused. And heartbroken.

"Excuse me," I said. He pinches the bridge of his nose and looks back at me.

"Get out, now," he said. I threw my hands up.

"And go where," I said. He places a hand on the doorknob. And opens it.

"I don't care where you go, but get out," he said.

"Did I say something wrong," I said. He lets go of the door, grabs me by the arm, and escorts me to the door, but I feel tingling in my arm, not the wrong kind.


Locked( Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora