Chapter 16

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Did he give his room to me? He did care about me. But I couldn't possibly take his room, even if he offered. There were three more upstairs. Derek was so kind-hearted. It showed when he offered his space to me. Especially only knowing me for two weeks.

Wesley looked from me to Derek and then to the group. Riley was taking in the scene; it was like a movie cabin. It looked new, with lights, running water, and beautiful decor. Derek must've been working on this for months.

"Well, go find your rooms, and I will start on dinner," Derek said. Did he say he would start making dinner for everyone? I know this wasn't Derek. Could he cook? He had never told me that. I slid into my room, or Derek's, and felt at home.

I took in the atmosphere. Smelling creek water and cedar wood, some pine, too. It was comfortable for me. This is home, but it wasn't my home but Derek's. And he seemed like a wood cabin kind of guy. But he also seemed posh; it wouldn't surprise me if he had no more houses. He did own the villa. That said a lot about his lifestyle. He was semi-rich, and I owned a 2-story house, which I bought with hard-earned money. Police officers need to make more money to purchase many mansions and villas. He used money he probably got from his parents to buy these houses and the estate.

"It's nice; I wanted to buy myself a log cabin like this, but I can't be away from the city," Wesley said. I nod, understanding what he means.

"Listen, I have to talk to you," I said. I was about to tell him the truth about what he said earlier. He grinned sorrowfully.

"I know you have feelings for him, and he has feelings for you; listen, Addison, I care for you, but I want you to be happy; if Derek is the one you're happier with, I won't stand in his way," he said. I nod, laughing nervously.

"He said the same thing about you, but I don't want a relationship. We are on the run from FBI agents, and we could be deemed dangerous, or at least you two can. We need to get out of this, and if getting proof that Lee was behind everything will change it, we will have to do that," I said.

"Getting proof verbally would be tremendous, and it would get us off the hook, but we can't do that unless you have a way we can hide a phone without him knowing about it," he said. I got to thinking about what he said. To hide a phone without him knowing. Lee would check our pockets. And not just that he would want us to empty them slowly. But one person who hid anything was my sister.

"One person I know can hide anything," I said. He raised his brows for me to continue.

"Chloe, she has always been able to keep things hidden, and not because she's sneaky but because she stuffs her bra, and she is the only girl I know who can pull this off," I said.

"That was a lot of information, but it could work; bras make it so much easier to hide some type of small phone or recorder," he said. I gasped. He shook his head.

"Not like that, sorry; it's perfect, but Derek would never put her in harm's way, and I wouldn't either," he said. I took a breath and let it out. Riley!!

"I've got it; Riley is going to school for law; she's been through the training courses on how to find wires and different things on the body; she can help one of you hide it where he won't be able to find it!" I exclaimed.

"That could work," he said. I smiled so wide my expression scared even me. But I wasn't letting them go alone. I would go too.

"I'm going too," I said. He shook his head. What was it with him and Derek? Why did they act as though I couldn't defend myself? Or needed to be protected. They had no idea how that made me feel.

"I get that you are worried about my safety, and it's appreciated, but I can handle myself," I said. He scuffed at me.

"I know that, but this is playing in the big leagues, and you shouldn't be a part of it," he said. This was getting old. I understood I wasn't equipped to go into battle, but he could train me with a silencer on his gun. And he could teach me in karate. It wasn't that difficult.

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