Chapter 38

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Hold on...when did she have time? And why wouldn't she tell someone? Especially not her brother. This needed to be corrected. I didn't trust her telling the truth, so she kept this a secret. What was she playing at? Jake hobbles over. He looks at her and us. I can tell he thinks this adds to the stress of everything. She couldn't fight in her position.

Wesley couldn't stand up; he started sliding down the wall. Riley and I look at each other. And Derek is in shock. It was when Chloe looked over at Matthew that no one said anything. And it wasn't as though they wanted to. We didn't know what to say. But Chloe was a nurse, and it seemed like a positive pregnancy test was a clear indication.

"So why didn't she say anything," Chloe said. Looking at Matthew and then me. Matthew shrugged. And I didn't have an answer. She was hiding a lot, it seemed like.

"The same reason she's hiding who she is," Noah said. I shook my head. Derek finally spoke up.

"What do you mean hiding who she is? This is my sister," he said. Noah scoffed.

"She's a rogue CIA agent, man; look at the signs; she's been lying to all of us; she was sent here to retrieve you, and she betrayed them, and now she's unsure of what to do," Noah says. Derek rolls his eyes.

"Oh, come on, Noah, seriously, you are insane," he says. Noah crosses his arms and looks at me. Nodding toward Derek.

"Addison," Derek said. Noah looked at me again, and now everyone was staring at me. I felt eyes burning through me. And my head started pounding until, finally, I was tired of all the blank stares.

"She's been lying; no one lets a young, capable woman in the military go; she's deceived everyone," I said. Derek stepped back, shaking his head. Wesley stood up. He wasn't at all surprised.  Maybe she talked to him. Confided in him. Or perhaps he was still in shock over the baby.

"My girlfriend is pregnant with my potential Child, and you're worried about her being a liar," he said. He knew something, too. Derek noticed the wind changes.

"Is there something you want to tell us, Wes," he asks. Finally, he knew something was off. Noah looked from Wesley to Derek. Jake stepped up to the plate. Knowing he was out of his element. But he wasn't about to let two grown men argue this out in front of the ladies, knowing one was pregnant and lying on the table.

"If I may, I think you two have a few things to talk about later; right now, this young lady needs fluids for herself and the child," he says. Everyone's attention turns to him. He seems sincere.

"Now, this nice young lady helping our pregnant friend here is trying her best, but we should give her some support and save the bickering for later," he said. He was right. I knew it, and so did the others. Derek breaths in and out. Wesley too.

"Okay, fine, what do we need to do," Derek asks Chloe. She nods to all of us.

"I need fluids through I.v. Without that, there's not much I can do; if she stays dehydrated and the baby could die, her blood pressure is low. I can tell, potentially, she's so dehydrated that she's left a gaping hole in her body; the baby isn't getting anything if she isn't," Chloe says. So they could both die.

Wesley grabs my arm. I noticed his worry and panic, and I stepped back towards him. Derek sees but doesn't say anything. He seemed so afraid to lose her and the baby. Potentially, it was his. But without these fluids, Dani and the baby could die. And I was also scared for him. But I needed to keep it together for him. Be strong enough for him and Derek. The fear in his eyes settled, and he began breathing in.

"Addison, that baby is mine, and Dani is my best friend; I can't lose her; you were right before; she is keeping a secret, and I trust you more than anyone else here, but in case she doesn't make it, I need you to know-"

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