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THE GUARD TOWER being abandoned when they drove in was the first concern that raised eyebrows, but at least the group was able to re-enter Kamchatka without immediately having to engage in a gun battle

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THE GUARD TOWER being abandoned when they drove in was the first concern that raised eyebrows, but at least the group was able to re-enter Kamchatka without immediately having to engage in a gun battle.

Trekking through miles upon miles of underground sewage tunnels had sucked too, but not nearly as much as re-emerging in the dingy Russian laboratory only to find the glass cases once containing several demodogs shattered and decidedly empty. However, the foursome was already covered in shit, literally, so what was another heap of crap piling on top of them really going to change?

Hopper activated the flamethrower as they moved towards the stairs, the head swirling with repressed flame, the fire crackling as it flickered. They could hear steady gunfire in the distance, but that was outside, and they could only contain what remained inside the control room with them.

Their slow descent revealed disarray, bloodied remains strewn across a disheveled floor with paper and machine parts littered about. It didn't take a genius to determine that the chaos had been caused by the mini-Demogorgons' reawakening, but the problem resided with where the beasts were now.

The Warden, who had once been so stubbornly committed to his cause, was slumped against the far wall, face marred with deep scratches and body broken, looking close to fulfilling that very purpose.

Murray crouched before the commander, translating his words, informing the group of just what had transpired since they'd fled the prison—and none of it was promising.

"He says they call it the shadow. The shadow went into them," he announced ominously, explaining the sudden disappearance of the particles they'd intended to destroy.

There was more questioning, more prompting for answers, but before they could be received, the communist took several gasping breaths and stilled, head lolling lifelessly to the side.

A trill of disappointment would've collectively run through them if there had been time, but a horrendous roar, one that bounced off the walls without emanating from one direction in particular, drew all of their attention away from the deceased Russian. Ana pulled the AK tighter across her person, tensing in readiness, as they dispersed about the room to investigate their uncertain surroundings.

"I think this answers your question, Jim," Murray said, staring at the security feed providing images of the various hallways and cell blocks beyond. "The shadow is in them."

They wavered for a while in the room, tucked safely behind a locked door, trying to formulate a means of attack. They couldn't linger long, though. Time wasted was more opportunity for the kids to find themselves in trouble they couldn't necessarily maneuver their way out of. Too much stalling would also allow the reanimated brutes to molt, and they couldn't contend with more matured monsters.

"It's really not that bad," Ana reasoned, drawing several skeptical stares and scrunched faces of disbelief towards her. "I mean, it's not great, obviously, but the demodogs are far easier to kill than a full-grown Demogorgon. They're susceptible to bullets, and if one can be taken out, then the hive mind should do the rest."