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MURRAY AND ALEXEI returned to the convertible only to find Ana and Hopper making out in the front seat like a couple of teenagers

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MURRAY AND ALEXEI returned to the convertible only to find Ana and Hopper making out in the front seat like a couple of teenagers. They were too wrapped up in their intense game of tonsil hockey to notice the duo approaching from the convenience store.

Murray coughed a less than subtle, "ahem," which finally broke the couple apart. Drawing back, Ana climbed out of Hopper's lap and into the seat next to him, eyes rolling at the disgraced journalist's shit-eating grin in the process. The chief of police simply growled and glared at the bespeckled man for his untimely interruption.

After effectively killing the mood, Murray didn't immediately climb into the vehicle, though. Instead, he stood beside the car, eyes bouncing back and forth between the guilty-looking pair. "Got it all sorted then, did you?" He asked smugly.

Ana and Hopper shouted at the mischievous looking Murray in unison. Ana telling him to, "blow it out your ass!"

While Hopper seethed at him to, "mind your damn business, Murray!" They only received a sarcastic cackle from the man in question while he and Alexei finally clambered into the backseat, and their journey back to Hawkins continued without anymore impromptu reveals.

Once they'd arrived at the Fourth of July celebration, the action was in full swing. Colorful lights twinkled from the revolving rides, the smell of unhealthy, fried carnival food lingered in the air, and there was a loud hum of yells and squeals coming from the mass of patrons. Ana jumped out of the car first, eyes immediately scanning for any of the troublesome teenagers she'd grown familiar with. Murray tried to climb out too, but Hopper yanked him back by the shirt and demanded that he, "stay here, go over the plans with Smirnoff."

Murray argued, "I can help look."

However, Hopper barked, "no, you'll scare the children," before slamming the car door on his way to catch up with Ana. Murray's earlier meddling had worked out to everyone's benefit, but that didn't mean his indiscretions were entirely forgiven.

"Stay put, Freud. You hear me? Stay put!" Hopper shouted over his shoulder as they stalked towards the festival entrance.

Ana and Hopper walked with purpose, their eyes taking in each face they passed, but none were the ones they were looking for. "What do you think it'll be?" His question eventually broke through their effectively silent trek.

Ana's face scrunched in confusion at his inquiry. "What do I think what will be?" She'd clearly missed the introduction to a conversation she didn't even know they were currently having.

"The kid. You think it'll be a boy or a girl?" He clarified, his eyes never halting in their search. Despite what was going on around them, Hopper was still considering their growing family, and the notion brought a gentle smile to Ana's face.

"I think you're about due for a boy," she reasoned. "Besides, you could hardly handle El having Mike as a boyfriend. I'm not trying to go through that whole confrontation again." They shared a chuckle at the memory of him verbally accosting their daughter's boyfriend. It seemed like a lifetime ago, when really only a few days had passed. How quickly situations and circumstances could change.