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ANA'S HEAD was firmly planted in the open toilet bowl as she continued to vomit violently

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ANA'S HEAD was firmly planted in the open toilet bowl as she continued to vomit violently. The sound of bile meeting the shallow water below causing her efforts to echo horridly throughout the small bathroom.

Tears were streaming down her face, snot was running from her nose, and her hair was barely contained in a bun haphazardly thrown atop her head. It took minutes for her heaving to cease, and once the wave of nausea had seemingly passed, she collapsed exhausted against the cabinets of the adjacent sink.

Her mother appeared in the doorway then, looking on in concern while Ana wiped her mouth on the back of her sleeve. "You alright, sweetie?" She questioned gently, and only received a pained grunt in return.

"Maybe she's pregnant," her father shouted sarcastically from somewhere down the hall. How ironic that his suggestion would come while his daughter sat on the ground, staring at the framed stitch work above the toilet, proclaiming her full name, birthday, and weight at the time of birth.

Using the counter for leverage, Ana pulled herself from the tiled floor and shakily approached the sink. She went about washing away the remnants of her sickness with her toothbrush. "I'm not pregnant," she assured through the toothpaste coating her mouth a blue tinged white. "It's probably just a stomach bug. I do hang around children all day." Her mother didn't look entirely convinced but didn't bother arguing the contrary, instead eyeing her wearily, but, thankfully, silently. While the prospect died away into nothingness, Ana took a large swig of mouthwash to throughly cleanse herself of the acidic taste threatening to linger.

She watched her cousin's wedding service unfold through hazy eyes. Her father might have been taking the piss with his earlier remark, but the suggestion had her wondering. When had her last period been? The darn thing was never regular, but she couldn't remember the last time Aunt Flow had officially come to visit. And, she had to admit, she'd been moodier than usual lately. Her bouts of snipping and self-loathing weren't exactly unusual, but now they didn't seem to require a viable cause before she was off on a tangent.

Fuck, she needed to know for sure.

Bailing out of the reception early, Ana went to the drug store nearest her family's home and purchased several pregnancy tests. The clerk had been a classmate from high school, and when he'd offered his premature congratulations, she'd scowled at him and stomped out of the store indignantly.

Sitting on the same toilet her head had been buried in hours prior, Ana waited the designated minutes for a response to appear, or, hopefully, not appear. When the kitchen timer went off, the sound pinged ominously through the empty house. Releasing a quivering breath, she approached the plastic stick laid carefully on the counter as if it were a snake poised to bite her. She didn't believe it, refused to accept the results, but the second and third tests revealed the same.

Ana was pregnant. Now, what the hell was she supposed to do about it?

She paced back and forth while weighing her options carefully. She could call Hopper and tell him straight away. Maybe he'd be upset, maybe he'd be elated, who could really say? This wasn't a possibility they'd discussed whatsoever. However, a more disconcerting thought occurred to her, one which made that option seem ill-advised. What if she lost the baby? Ana wasn't exactly young anymore. If she knew one thing about pregnancy, it was that the chance of miscarriage grew as one got older. Could Hopper really handle that, losing another child? She ultimately decided she wasn't willing to find out. This was a secret she could keep for the time being, at least, until they were clear of the first trimester.