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Ana had left for all of five minutes to double check that the doors were locked, and the older two had escaped from under her watchful eyes. Jonathan Byers' car was gone too, so she knew they weren't just off in another part of the building either.

These kids just had to make life difficult, didn't they? Is this the annoyance Hopper always felt when Ana herself was being contrary? The reading teacher tried not to deliberate on the comparison for too long.

Well, she hadn't lost the younger four yet, so at least there was that. Hopefully, Jonathan and Nancy could manage whatever they'd run off to do without proper adult supervision.

And that's all Ana had to go off right then, hope, because the crew had returned to the stalemate of waiting.

If only time were passing as uneventfully for Hopper and Joyce at Hawkins Laboratory.

The police chief was faced with two impossible choices while locked in the interrogation room. One, protect the girl and sacrifice Will Byers to whatever wasteland he was currently trapped in. Two, sacrifice the girl and earn the opportunity to rescue Will from almost certain doom. The latter wasn't just about giving up Eleven, though. Sending agents to recover her at the school also meant betraying Ana's location, and she could very well be caught in the crossfire.

Ultimately, Hopper had chosen the option with the most amount of variables. The lesser of all evils, as it were. If you throw enough things up in the air, some of them have to come down landing upright, right? He willed that to be the case, hoping that Ana could take care of herself and the others like she had been so stubbornly professing for the last week.

Because he too, only had hope to go off right then.

Dustin and his damn pudding obsession had actually given them a few minutes of leeway that'd they'd have otherwise missed.

Seeing the wave of government officers pour into the Hawkins Middle gymnasium had prompted Ana to grab each kid by the jacket collar and throw them one by one into the hallway before directing them to her classroom.

Maneuvering through the hallways as quickly and quietly as possible, Ana kept herself between the men who were pursuing them and the kids she was trying her damnedest to protect. Unfortunately, her room was on the opposite end of the school, and they still had a lot of ground to cover.

They didn't make it, unfortunately. The quintet was cornered and surrounded in the hallway, their escape route entirely blocked. Each way they turned, they were met by a wall of armed men.

A middle-aged woman separated from the group and approached, she appeared to be the leader, clad in a khaki trench coat and wielding her gun at the group.

The second the unknown woman's firearm audibly clicked, Ana had reacted out of instinct and raised her own. Firing one shot, Ana hit the woman just left of center mass and watched her fall to the ground.