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DID ANA POSSESS the ability to make good, level-headed decisions? She honestly wasn't quite sure anymore

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DID ANA POSSESS the ability to make good, level-headed decisions? She honestly wasn't quite sure anymore.

The mixture of kids screaming, the incessant sound of water splashing, and the blazing sun beating down upon her body were giving her a raging migraine. Why had she agreed to manage the pool again that summer? She couldn't quite remember her reasoning beyond having to support her mild shopping habit, and needing to get out of the house.

Perhaps a better justification was that an idle mind is the devil's playground, and Ana was definitely trying to keep her mind occupied lest it wandered.

However, the sound of a whistle blowing twice in succession, finally broke Ana out of her reverie. The shrill noise was abruptly followed by her least favorite employee, Billy Hargrove, calling some poor kid a lard ass, and asserting that if the child got caught running again, he would be banned from the pool for life.

Well, Ana thought, getting up from her perch under an oversized umbrella, that wouldn't do at all.

By the time Ana had reached Billy, he was casually flirting with four middle-aged women who were unabashedly checking out the barely legal teen. Not that he seemed to mind the inappropriate attention. In fact, he seemed to relish it more than anything.

Some women really have no shame, Ana pondered before approaching Billy from behind and yanking harshly on the whistle string hung around his neck. The force of Ana's tug pulled Billy back a few steps and halted any forward momentum. Said boy whipped around to confront whoever dared to ambush him, but stopped short upon realizing it was Ana. The look of indignation immediately fell from his face and was promptly replaced by one of unease. Apparently, their little talk the previous school year hadn't escaped his mind just yet. The thought brought with it a sense of pride and a small smirk to Ana's face.

Dropping the string, since she seems to have his complete and undivided attention, Ana considered the younger man through narrowed eyes for a moment before asking, "how many times do I gotta tell you, Hargrove, you don't have the authority to ban anyone from the pool?" Billy floundered for a moment, attempting to formulate a reply, but Ana cut him short. "Just get up on the stand, and stop performing for the Stepford Wives, capisce?"

"Yes, Ms. Thompson," was the reply Ana received with a slight scowl before Billy turned on his heel and did just as she'd asked. At least, was one problem solved. Then, it was time to address another.

Hand on hip, and a disapproving look adorning her face, Ana rounded on the middle-aged gawkers with her lips set in a firm line. Giving each woman a glance of reproach over the top of her sunglasses, Ana shook her head judgmentally. "Gross, ladies. Just gross. Especially you, Wheeler. Wasn't he in class with your kid? For shame."

Ana didn't stick around to humor any responses to her distaste, nor gapes of admission or guilt, before she headed back to the manager's office. She wanted nothing more than to drown out the endless noise, and quell her surmounting headache before spots started appearing in her already cloudy vision.