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THE SQUAD FINALLY arrived at the junkyard not long before sundown

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THE SQUAD FINALLY arrived at the junkyard not long before sundown.

Taking off his sunglasses, Steve surveyed the area and muttered his approval. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, this will do. This will do just fine. Good call, dude," he remarked, slapping a congratulatory hand on the younger boy's shoulder. Dustin blushed at this approval, while looking thoroughly pleased with himself.

They were throwing out the last of the raw meat pieces when Lucas decided to make his appearance. "I said medium-well!" He yelled while biking furiously towards them, but he wasn't solo. The red hair trailing in the wind behind his companion warned Ana that they were bound to have an issue on their hands in the not too distant future.

"Who's that?" Steve questioned, though, from the look on Dustin's face, he should have been able to guess the answer. Max Mayfield, the girl with too many questions they were unwilling to answer, and the one who held a hold on both Lucas and Dustin's hearts.

After the pair dismounted, Steve, Max, and Ana started prepping the battlefield, while Dustin and Lucas ducked behind one of the beat-up old cars to no doubt have a tiff over the new girl. It wasn't the time nor the place for some love triangle style drama but teenage hormones always seemed to win out no matter the inconvenient occasion, so the rest let them quarrel in peace.

I'm the meantime, said new girl, who was utterly confused by their teacher's presence, began on another round of baffled questioning. "Ms. Thompson, you know about all this?" Max ask her elder, as they lugged a piece of scrap metal towards the old, abandoned bus.

Ana let out a chuckle at the inquiry. "You didn't know? I'm totally hip and with it, Max. Bet you're gonna pay more attention in my class now, huh?" The girl appraised Ana strangely but didn't question her any further. It probably wasn't the answer the younger girl was looking for, but they didn't have the time for long, drawn-out explanations.

The measuring contest behind the car was taking too long for Steve's liking, it seemed, so he went over and whacked a chair against the boys' hiding spot, making Dustin and Lucas jump at the racket. "Hey! Dickheads! How come the only ones helping me out here are Ms. Thompson and this random girl? We lose light in 40 minutes. Let's go. Let's go, I said."

Steve Harrington had the makings of a great public school teacher if only he could curb his desire to call the children dickheads. Not that Ana herself didn't share the impulse, she was just better at keeping the desire at bay for the sake of professionalism-or maybe it was human decency, who could really say.

"Alright, asshole! God!" Dustin whined.

"Okay! Stupid." Lucas spat.

Yep, that was precisely what it was like being a public school teacher. No one showed any appreciation when you were the one trying to keep them in line.

With Dustin abs Lucas' spat concluded, the fivesome busied themselves fortifying the school bus using spare pieces of metal, strategically pouring out a path of gasoline to ignite later, and soon their trap was laid. Everyone filed onto the bus to begin their waiting.