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ANA'S HAIL MARY in the car had been successful

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ANA'S HAIL MARY in the car had been successful. Hopper had agreed to let her stay under the condition that she remained at her home unless he was with her or she were at school. She's agreed to this stipulation, although not entirely willingly, and Hopper left to inform Joyce that her son wasn't, in fact, dead like the whole town believed.

Ana had kept to her word...for the better part of twenty-four hours. But, with no call from Hopper, her true, inquisitive nature finally won out, and she'd swiped her car keys off the kitchen counter. She didn't know exactly where she was heading, maybe the police station, but it never took long for the strange to find her.

An absurdly long line of maintenance vehicles passed her on the road, heading in the opposite direction. Weird, she thought, before remembering that weird was never just weird in Hawkins. She'd speedily hooked a U-turn, tires swiping and smoking as the skidded across the pavement, and arrived just in time to see one of the vans flip high into the air before land upside down, effectively blocking the other vehicles from passing it on the street.

On bikes, furiously riding towards her at the opposite end of the road, were three familiar boys and one entirely unfamiliar girl. Ana's truck screeched to a stop ahead of them, and she leaned out her driver's window yelling, "throw your bikes in the back and hop in!"

The children had swiftly done as they were told without question, happily accepting the aid their reading teacher was offering.

"I'm gonna need some answers, boys," she'd said while speeding away, eyes occasionally flicking to the mirrors, ensuring they weren't still being pursued. "What's going on? Lucas, you're up," she instructed with a quick glance over her shoulder.

"Bad men are chasing us," he stuttered, still shaking with energy from the action sequence they had participated in moments prior. She had to assume the 'bad men' were dispatched from Hawkins Laboratory, courtesy of her and Hopper's little rendezvous inside their secret lair.

Ana hooked a sharp right, down another road heading in the opposite direction from the men in the vans, an attempt to extend distance, and everyone in the vehicle shifted from the sudden change in momentum. "Why are they chasing you? Dustin, that ones for you," she barked at the curly haired boy.

"They want her," he admitted through heavy breathes, gesturing at the still unfamiliar newcomer. She had her suspicions on who the girl was, snippets of Terry Ives' news article flashed to the forefront of her mind, but she reserved them for confirmation. It's still didn't explain how the nearly bald headed girl had gotten all mixed up with the AV Club.

"And why do they want her, Mike?" Ana's eyes flicked up to appraise him through the rear view mirror.

But Mike hesitated in answer, just a bit too long for Ana's liking, and her patience snapped as they continued to speed down side streets. "Boys! I can't help if I don't understand," she'd shouted with such authority that all four of the kids in the cab jumped.