Chapter 1

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"Don't you fucking touch me assholes!!"
The cat-eyed girl said who's being carried forcefully by two strong men, while she kept moving around trying to get out of her grip and trying to hit them.

But failed. Other asylum patients, nurses and doctors. Took glances at what's happening, she's a crazy feisty one.

"Take her to room 665"
The docter spoke who was following the men, dragging the girl. Down the hallway.

Room 665, İs a far different room. From others, there's no bed. So you have to sit or lay down the ground, it's soundproof.
Nothing but a white room and a camera. Doctors made an agreement, a regular asylum room wasn't fit for her. Little did the girl also know, someone is going to be with her in that room.

The guards put on full force to make her wear the straight jacket, she kept budging trying to take it off. Not wanting to put it on.

After they finally put on the straight jacket on her, they push her aggressively in the room. And quickly closing the door, making sure it's tight lock. The men's sigh in relief and bowed to the docter before leaving.

After Yeji was pushed in the room, she turn around kicking the door has hard as she can. And kept swearing and yelling.

Yeji suddenly flinched by the voice of a
Women, and turn around and saw.

A tall blonde girl sitting down, with the same straight jacket as her. And bruises everywhere on her face, which caught her attention the most.

There was blood on her straight jacket, and looked back at the women who kept looking at her as if that women wanted to kill her right now.
Just to shut up.

"Can you just sit the hell down?! Jesus sakes."
Ryujin looked away, staring at the ground of nothing. She didn't even blink once after staring too long, she was just there not moving at all.

Yeji roll her eyes, and sat across her, also looking around the room.

"Who the fuck are you?"
Yeji tried to ask for her name, but she just ignored her and kept staring at nothing.

What is she deaf?!
Yeji thought herself, not even caring about her appearances and act.

Her mind felt going crazy because of this room, and just wants to go out immediately.
But the door was iron-shutted.

She stood up and saw the camera, and stared at it. Giving it a glare.
"Hey! You, get me the fuck out of this room. I don't wanna be with this woman!!"

She shouted, and kept kicking the door.
Since that's the only thing she could do, but it would fail anyways.
She knew, someone was atleast supervising the camera.

She groans.
She was about to yell again, but the girl suddenly talked.

"Pft, as if they' ll let you out. You're stuck here, every. single. day. Do you hear me? You must be new here."
Ryujin finally looks up at Yeji, while Yeji just look at Ryujin.

And made eye contact, Ryujin immediately look at away. Now staring at the camera. "Well here's the catch, you go crazy. You take pills, ifyou don't they force you. That pill gives you pain everywhere you wouldn't want to feel, if they fail too do it to you. They'll give you no choice."

Ryujin said with a stern voice, not making eye contact with her.

"And what is it"
Yeji scoffs, not even afraid of the asylum.
But when reality hits her...maybe she will be..

"oh, you'll see..not calm your ass down, if you wanna eat atleast something"
Ryujin lay on the floor, while Yeji backs away from the door.

"Who are you anyways?"
Yeji ask, and sit still across Ryujin.

"Ryujin. Shin Ryujin."
Yeji eyes widen hearing her name, and said.
"Wait, your the girl in the news-"
Ryujin cut her off.

"Let's not talk about that shit"
She groans, and Yeji nods.
"I'm Yeji"

The room went full silence, Ryujin looked like she didn't even care.

"Right then...silent treatment, nice."
Yeji took a deep breathe, the two were now silence. Ryujin who was laying down the floor, her eyes closed.

While Yeji was tapping her foot on the ground, and hitting her head slightly on the wall.




"This is a great choice ma'am, thank you for taking her here. It's better if she stays here then your home"
The docter speaks up, to Yeji's sister who was worried yet frighten.

"Will she be okay..?, what's gonna happen to her ?!"
Someone stops her from panicking from getting to worried, She loved Yeji so much. She cared a lot for her, always there for her.

"Shh...Lia, relax. They're gonna take care of her okay?"
Her girlfriend Chaeryeong comfort her back, while Lia takes breathes.

"This is just the starting, we are looking after her 24/7 from the camera. After I heard what you said about her, she's probably the second dangerous person here. So we put her on a different room, your sister will be fine. Unless if she doesn't follow . I'm sorry there will be a consequences"
The docter sigh at the last part.

"What do you mean second dangerous person ma'am?"
Chaer speaks up for Lia, and there docter turns to her.

"We've never had a patient like this, all our patients just have uncontrollable anger or depression, but she's different. She's something else no one would wanna mess with also comes with the other one."

"Other one?"
Lia says, cutting the docter. The docter nods.
"Her name is Ryujin, Shin Ryujin. You know, who used to be a famous model..she's done a lot of things you wouldn't want to know"

They nod, then someone calls the docter.
"I have to go now, I have a meeting to speak about the 2. And how we can try to handle them our best.."
They bowed goodbye at the docter, and Lia sighs.




No one's P.OV

An hour has passed, they heard the door click. The two suddenly look, the two men were back.
"We're here for Shin Ryujin."

Ryujin's eye trembled.
", no! No please!!"
Ryujin was getting forced to stand, and her eyes started to tear up.

Yeji was in confusion why she was tearing up.
"No...! Please, I beg you!!"

Ryujin got the chance to get out of there grip, and kicked one of the guards on the stomach. Suddenly more men's came in, making Yeji in a shock of state.

They were holding Ryujin, while Ryujin was begging not to go. One of the men suddenly inject her, making her fall on the ground.

Yeji gasped, the men finally picked her up. And carry her out of the room, closing the door.
Yeji was now left alone, processing what just happened.

What the fuck?!

Yeji blinked twice, suddenly feeling scared and nervous.

Maybe that will happen to her too?! But what did happen to Ryujin? What's with all that?!

Yeji thought, Thinking maybe something horrible. Had happened to Ryujin, a lot of things went by quickly, she felt more uncomfortable now. She's used to seeing someone with her now, she hates being alone.


So this is my first convert story, I'm sorry if theres a mistakes:)

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