Chapter 13

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Yeji POV

"What happened?"
I hop on the bed, and Huff out a breathe.
"They want me discharge"

Her frown turn into a smile.
"Really! That's great, your finally-"
I cut her off.

"I disagreed that because I wanted to be discharged with you next month"
Her smile broke, into a concern look.

I look up at her.
"I know I had the chance, I want to be with you when I'm discharged.
I don't want you left behind here yourself"
She goes and sat down my bed, I just look at her she took a deep breathe.

"You don't need to worry about me Yeji..your free now, Besides next month is not that long..
Do you want to stay here?, in danger because of that rapist?"
I shook my head, She holds my hand.

"Accept it Yeji..promise, when I'm out of here.
I'll find you. And maybe get my treatment."
This is too hard to think. There's a lot of thoughts going through my mind.

Should I go or stay?
I was about to speak when she cut me off again.
"Do it for me, Yeddeong.."

I said, and she looks up at me.
"I don't wanna go because I-.."

I urge myself, but I can't anymore.
"I love you."

I quickly look down, I don't know the expression on her face.
I'm just scared she'd reject me.

She grabs my chin.
"I love you too made me feel the real me when I was with you. But..we can't.."

I look up at her.
"We can't as long as we're in here.."
She smiles.

"Agree with the discharge..If you really love me Yej, we'll find each other again.."
She said softly at me, I wanted to cry.
But I'm holding it back..

I hug quickly hug her.
"You promise..?"
She nodded her head.

"Now go..go talk with them.."
She wipes my tears, I get down from the bed. I-I'm sorry.

Ryujin POV

when she left the room, I finally left my tears down.

She loves me too..Thank you Yeji.
And you deserve to be out.

All these weeks, I'm just happy for you.
We can't be official yet, not here..

But when I get discharged too, I'll make sure I find you.

I cough, covering my hand.
There were tiny bit of blood.

I hope I'll make it..

Yeji POV

"Are you sure that's final? Last time you didn't want too"
I look up at the docter.
"I'm sure.."

The docters nodded there head.
"Your leaving here tomorrow, please get ready by then.."
I just nodded again, and they left me by the tables. I stood up.

Going outside, by the yard..
I need some air.

I can't believe I'm doing this, I really wanted to promise Ryujin.
That I'd not leave her.

This is what has gotten to me since we became close, it's always her.

I'm worried, concerned, about her.
Every minute hour, days.

I suddenly miss Ryujin.

I sigh.

Fuck. Him again, great way to ruin the moment.
I said just giving up.

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