Chapter 5

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Yeji sighed, and watched Karina run away. One of the nurses accompany Yeji, if she would like to go anywhere else.

It's their break, All the People's did not want to speak. Nor ever move, seeing Yeji. When she was walking by the hallway, poeple gossiped.

Some poeple walked away, yet some aren't scared of her.

What's their problem, tsk.

Yeji thought and scoffed, yet felt sad. She just wanted a friend in this aslyum, a friend who would talk with her and be close.

But it's just so difficult, Maybe Ryujin could be her friend. I mean nothing could go wrong, Yeji thought. She's not that bad, she doesn't give me the attitude. Well not anymore..

Yeji stopped and thought, speaking of Ryujin. Where was she?
She headed back to the cafeteria, well she's not there.

She checked on the room, nope. Instead, she just asked one of the nurses. They replied, Ryujin was on the rooftop.

Is she even allowed there?
Yeji nodded, and asked for directions where the rooftop is.

Yeji opened the door, there were high fences so it's impossible to get out. There were benches, there were no poeple except for her.

Ryujin, who was sitting in one of the benches. Leaning her head against her hand. There was only one nurse who was guarding her, Yeji approached Ryujin.

And sat beside her, which made Ryujin flinched and look at the person.
"Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you"
I apologized, and she nodded. Sitting down straightly.
With no emotions look on her.

"Why are you here?"
Ryujin said in a stern, low voice.
"Aren't you suppose to be with your 'friend'"
Ryujin added, rolling her eyes.

"First of all, she left me all of a sudden. Second of all, your the only person I know. Who interacted with me, and who's not afraid"
Ryujin looked at Yeji, and tilt her head. Yeji furrowed her eyebrows. Waiting for what she was going to say.

"And you know why?"
Yeji nodded, and made eye contact.

"There afraid of you, cause your dangerous. They fear you, everyone knows what you did.
Your just far different from them, your a lunatic Pyscho. "
They broke the eye contact, Yeji had to agree with Ryujin. After all, who wouldn't be afraid.

Just one word, that turns everything go wrong. Tons will die, I guess Yeji is going to get used to this all.

"Why aren't you..?"
Ryujin scoffed, and stood up.
"Now, that's for you to know and find out. I don't give out myself, you don't know. You could be talking to a rapist"
Ryujin walked away.

Yeji turn to Ryujin, and Ryujin chuckled.
"Relax, I was joking. See you later.. Yeji."

Ryujin left, with her nurse. And I'm now alone in the bench, Yeji smiled a bit.
What is this feeling?

Yeji headed back to their room, and saw Ryujin. Their back on their straight jacket again.

They again sat far away from each other, Ryujin broke off the cold atmosphere.

"I heard, your gonna get the chip. Inside you. Today."
Yeji look at her in confusion, Ryujin realized she didn't know what it was.

"It's this chip where it tracks where you go, your gonna be in a surgery. Awake though..."
Yeji eyes widen, and suddenly panic.
"Y-your serious?"

Ryujin nodded, and look at her leg.
"This is why I have this bandage, I just wanna warn you.."

Ryujin look back at Yeji.
"Don't worry, I'm here for you"

Fucking bullshit Ryujin why the hell did you say that?!!

Yeji smiled at me, Ryujin tried her best not to smile back. But failed too.

Yeji sigh, and calmed down.
"This aslyum. Is hell. Who would do that..? I'm just so afraid of these kind of stuff. Argh,"

Ryujin stayed silence.
"You'll get used to being here."




It had been 2 hours, no conversations. nothing, just quietness. We could hear the rain from the outside here, Ryujin fell asleep. While Yeji, couldn't take but to glance at her.

Then suddenly, 2 guards opened the door. Ryujin suddenly wakes up and look at Yeji.

Yeji look back at Ryujin in a panic, and wanted help. The man grabbed Yeji, Yeji wanted to yell Ryujin's name but they covered her mouth.

Ryujin look at Yeji sorrowful, and nodded. And mouthed.

Its gonna be okay..

Ryujin just nodded, and Yeji finally got dragged out.

After Yeji left. Ryujin looked down.

Ryujin felt something wrong with her all of a sudden.
And she knew it was all because of her, Yeji.

Right now she felt so downcast. And wanted to help Yeji, she's just new around here. But she couldn't do anything.

Yeji p.o.v

I was tied down, with my hands tired. Neck tied, legs tied. Waisted tight.

They covered my whole face, I could hear poeple talking.
I tried to stay calm, but no. I couldn't.
I shred tears, my hands trembled. Heavy breathing, heart beat going fast.

I was about to calm down, when I suddenly felt so much pain and torture in my right leg, I yelled.
And moved alot.

The two guards, hold me down. tightly.
The knife cut deep on my leg, i felt something inside my leg.
And I is yet still. Moving, yelling, in tears. The rustle of the bed can be heard.




The surgery finally ended, They did not drug Yeji.
Yeji finally got into the room, Ryujin suddenly stood up. And looked at her.

(Btw Ryujin is not in a wheel chair anymore)

Yeji is now in a wheel chair, the guards placed her. And left, Ryujin go to her. And kneeled down.

Yeji's eye was swollen from the tears, her neck was red from the rope. As she was moving so much.

Ryujin look at her leg, and back at her. Yeji slowly open her eyes and sniff. Ryujin smiles at her.

Yeji look around, and look at Ryujin.

"...I know you can feel so much pain right now, I promise you it will go away fast.
Please be strong okay, I will guide your way here.
Recover for now. Don't worry, I'll be by your side."

Yes Yeji felt so much pain, but after she heard Ryujin's words. She felt little of much pain, and calmed down.

Ryujin knew, she knew. She couldn't stop herself from Yeji.
So she had to say it. All of it was true, she would be by her side.

Although they just met, Ryujin had already changed. Just because of her, not fully. But getting there.

She felt more comfortable with Yeji, and safe. Just by seeing her now, she felt like it was just the two of them.

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