Chapter 8

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No one POV

The sound of silence filled the room, no one ever talked not one single yet.
Not until minho spoke.

"Hey..I'm Soobin, you are?."
Soobin broke the cold atmosphere that was going on, which he didn't like.

Soobin nodded, and tried to avoid contact.
"You and Ryujin must be close, is there something between you two?"
Yeji look up at Soobin, Which Soobin saw and gulped, why did he even asked that.

"I-I mean like, you two. Y-you I-uhm, didn't wanna let go of e-each other"

Soobin feared as Yeji stared at him, with those dark eyes of her. But eventually look away, giving the man a breathe.

"Mhm, were close. But I-I'm just not used to being with another person. Who I don't know"
Yeji hug her knees, and look down. Closing both of her eyes.

Soobin can't help but agree, They both had a strong bond these weeks.

And Soobin, has almost the same story with the person he used to be.

I guess, there's always a time the main characters go to different paths.
Just then Mino had an idea.
"Do you want Ryujin to be in the same room with you again?"

Yeji quickly look up at Soobin in a confusing state?
"There's always time to try and convince them?"
Yeji look away.

"Not gonna work, they'll say no. And besides their very strict."
Soobin shook his head, Wanting to help Yeji. For her own good, since she didn't like to see her this way.

"I can't take no for an answer"
Soobin just gave a smile.

Unknown POV

"Who was that brunette girl?, who was with that dumbass"
He asked one of his friends, who's in the same room with him.

"Her name is Hwang Yeji, isn't she so fucking hot.!"
One of his friends teased.

"Ryujin is so damn lucky, I wish we had her here."
They all laughed.

"Shut up, and I'm choosing her. So she's mine, find someone else"
T said, making his friends groan.

"Good luck with that man, I want to taste her badly though"
One of his friend whimper, while they kept talking molested stuff about Yeji.

Such assholes

Ryujin POV

I'm currently in the rooftop, my favourite place to be in.
Since, no one usually goes here. And right now I'm the only one here.

One of the nurses, had to do something right away.
I explained what happened to the nurse who was looking after me.

She trusted me, and agreed I had nothing to do with it. But to defend myself.

And why am I in the rooftop again?
I just wanted to get my mind clear, it's always been the same again.

Well atleast I wasn't in the white room, when got forced out and change into a different solo room.

I wasn't myself anymore, is always because. One I don't like being alone again, or two.
It's because of Yeji.

Now tell me, is it impossible to fall inlove?
Not at all, I've never fallen inlove ever in my life.

Never ever have I found my soulmate, I guess. Maybe, things just didn't turn out like I wanted to be.

Or maybe, there was a reason why. My life was like this, and the reason I met Yeji.

I really have to stop saying Yeji's name, the more I say it.
The more I want to see her right now, but I can't.

She's probably doing her own stuff now.

Yeji POV

"It's break time"
Two nurses open the door, letting us free. Without my straight jacket.

I go out the door, and look around. Hopeless I thought.
Mino who was besides excused himself, and left.

What do I do now..either I just stay in the room, or atleast go somewhere.

Which gave me an idea, maybe I should go have some fresh air. At least.

I head out, the nurses gave me a little freedom. So here's me, heading up the stairs.

I open the door, when I suddenly felt a weigh drop on me.

"Oh shit!"
The person yelled, now we're both on the ground.
I look at her, my eyes widen. I suddenly hug her tightly.

The person stops, from trying to get out of the the hug.
Her body soften, and pressed against mine. As I hug her.

Her voice shooken, I hold her tighter and put my head on her neck.
I was about to cry, but I hold it.

Ryujin grabbed my waist, and back.
With all her strength she lift me up, while I'm still in a hugging position.

I sniffed, as tears gash down. Ryujin's head look back, and see my tears.
", why are you crying Yeddeong.."

Ryujin made a concern look, and furrowed her eyesbrow.
I couldn't answer cause I was busy with my tears.

She sigh and hug back again, I don't wanna let go of her.
You may or may not call me obsessed, but this girl makes me wanna be with her 24/7.

"Stop crying Yeji please"
Ryujin pouted, and brush off my tears.
I finally stopped, and took a breathe. She smiled at me.

"What are you doing here?"
Ryujin asked me, I just told her that I wanted fresh air.
Ryujin grabbed my wrist, and pull us to the rooftop.

Sitting in one of the benches.
"So tell me, how were you with y'know.."
Ryujin had jealousy on her voice, and looked at Ryujin.

"I-it's okay, he's going to try and convince them if you can come back!"
Ryujin was shocked, Ryujin thought Soobin was a bad person. I guess not.

"I really hope that happens.."
Ryujin pull me into a hug again.

"I don't wanna lie, but I miss you so much. I really want your comfort.."
My head was now in Ryujin's chest, while I hug her back.
I go closer, feeling warm in her arms and close my eyes.

I wish we could do this every day

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