Chapter 3

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Yeji P.O.V

It was the next day, i had trouble sleeping. Since i wasn't so comfortable, i only got 2 hours of sleep.

Ryujin on the other side, FUCKING SHIT. How the fuck can she not sleep?! It was so creepy, she was literally staring, staring at the fucking ground.

That's fucking bullshit, yet creepy. I imagine falling asleep, and her head literally turning to me.
And staring with those eyes,
But not gonna lie. Those eyes of hers are beautiful though.

What the fuck did I just say.

I hit my head hard to the wall, Ryujin noticed. But was unbothered.
All I knew about that girl, she's a famous model. What the hell, after 3 years of her career she's here in the aslyum.

The news about her was hella creepy, I can't believe she really did that.
The news said, Ryujin killed her parents, with a saw and torn their fucking body parts.

And fucking designed, like it was a damn barbie doll. Their eyes were ripped out, their mouths were wide open, and some disgusting things.
That's shitty, I really wonder what happened
to this girl.

Except for killing her parents.

Docter's P.O.V

"Welcome, so. It's been a long time since we had a meeting, we are going to talk about. Shin Ryujin and Hwang Yeji. Can anyone tell me their story and background.
As you know, we have to be more careful with them"
One of the docter's raise their hands, and took out a paper.

"For Shin Ryujin ma'am, me and my team. Have tried and gathered a lot of things, from her relatives and this is what we got, we are still on the go"
The docter cleared his throat.

"Shin Ryujin, the famous model. Used to be a drug addict, Had killed inncoents and specially her family.
When she was still on drugs, we have found. So many drug injections, and pills. On her room.
We have also discovered, pictures of her family.
Being knifed, what we think here. She had an awful relationship with them"

The man speaks while trying to eye-contact with them.
"She always drink, her friends always tried to stop her. One day she yelled so furiously, and accidentally had killed her with the bottle and starting breaking stuff around her, One of her friend said that's why they never go to Ryujin anymore.

We still didn't get enough yet, but this was when she was on
her career. That's probably why the reason Ryujim does never attend fashion parties. There was one time when Ryujin tried to drug her friend.
It was getting worst every single day. Luckily her friend Bangchan had been brave to bring her here.."

They all nod.
One nurse talk.
"For Yeji, she's been into bad past relationships. She's been bullied, criticized. Poeple would say to kill herself, her first murder was back in school.
Where she brought a knife, and cut her classmate's neck.

Her sister, Lia. Had always toughen her in life, yet still tries to help her.
Lia once said, Yeji tried to kill her while she slept. Luckily she woke up in time.
She would always wanna be alone, and always wanted revenge.
Her most brutal murder, was with her ex boyfriend Soobin.

Lia had secretly saw Yeji, in an alley. Stabbing Soobin so many times, hitting his head by the bat. and had roped him. Let him get eaten by animals, the background of that.
Yeji Hwang had been sexually abused from him."

The docter's was shocked.
While the nurse just sigh, and continue reading the paper

"And the last thing we got is, trying to commit suicide. By jumping off a building, luckily. Yeji's Sister's girlfriend, came just in time to save her.
They had a fight, and that's what I got ma'am"


The docter caress her head.
"Yeji's background story made me feel bad not gonna lie..Thank you for telling, me and the guards will try and take care of the two.
For now, continue on what your doing. End of meeting"





Two women come in.

The two girls look at them,
"It's time to wash up, whos first"
Yeji and Ryujin made an eye contact, Ryujin was signalling her to go..why was Ryujin being soft to Yeji now.?

Jennie nods.
"I'll go.."
Yeji stands up, and the two women nod their head. They grab Yeji not too harshly, and head out.

Ryujin P.O.V

I Look at them who was now gone, and now I'm alone.
Not feeling sleepy, but still feeling the pain inside me.
I guess I do deserve to be locked up here, after all I did. No one is gonna even be with me..they all hate me.

I just sighed, Who is that girl anyways. And why did we have to share this room, I mean. Like I guess I'm a bit happy not alone anymore..

I just find it weird, yet. I kinda admire her action yesterday when she came.

I don't know what has gone over me, is it the drug I got forced to drink. Or just me? Her hair was a mess, she looked so uncomfortable.

I really wanted to comfort her, she was shaking. Shaking so much last night, and breathing hard.

I mean. That happened to me, when I first came..
I really don't know why I should comfort her..what the hell, first time in 4 years I admired someone. Wow.
My stomach growled, knowing my stomach had been empty for the last hour. The last time
I ate, was a day ago.

The food fucking sucks, atleast we got to take off this straight jacket. That's been bothering me so much
Since the starting.

I hated how, they tortured me when I first came. Now I'm here, scared.
Officially scared at these poeple, They fucking do surgery even tho your awake for gods sake!!

They put this chip on us, so they can track us down. If we go crazy, and go out running away in public.
But fuck, why the hell did they need to put one again.
It could take up a few years, or months.
Just for a new one.

I got mine literally 5 months ago, and I'm getting it

I also think, I creeped whats her name, Yeji. Last night..I can't usually sleep, at night. I just stare at something, and I probably shouldn't do that.

No, Maybe I should. I want poeple to fear me, yet. No.
I don't want her to be afraid
Of me somehow.

Literally she came yesterday, my mind has been soft.

I just sigh and shake my head.

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