Chapter 1

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I'm in my apartment with my  boyfriend's best friend. Who is telling me things about my boyfriend. I told him how he's been treating me and stuff. I'm friends with him too, we were watching TV before we started talking about this.

"I'll talk to him"

"I did and I tried breaking up with him but he doesn't want to. He said he'll stop but it's been weeks" I say to him, he nods his head.

"Another friend in the group told me some stuff too, it really pissed me off." he says to me.

"I'll try again if it doesn't work then I really don't give a fuck about him at that point." I say shrugging my shoulders.

I lay my head on his leg as we are sitting on the floor. I frown thinking about him , I don't know what's up with him lately. I turn my head up so I looking up at the ceiling talking.

"Man I just want some pizza, talking about him is going to make me frustrated." I say out loud he looks down to me.

"Jonah you want some pizza?" I ask him he thinks about it, I lift up from his leg looking over to him sitting with my legs crossed over the other.

"Sure, pretty hungry if you ask me" he says with a laugh, I pull out my phone placing the order.

"Okay it'll be here in 10 minutes" I say looking down at my phone, I look back up to be met with lips on mine.

I froze up not knowing what to do, Jonah is kissing me right now. My boyfriend could come in at any moment. He leans me to the floor continuing to kiss me. I close my eyes starting to kiss back a little. What's wrong with me I have a boyfriend.

He's holding the back of my head with his hand. The doorbell rings after awhile, Jonah lifts up still holding my head with the other hand on the floor. He looks to the door, I look at his neck as he's over me.

"No no , did I just cheat?" I say out loud realizing everything that just happened.

Jonah lifts up from me going to the door, it was the pizza guy. He places the pizza on the coffee table in front of us.

"No no it's my fault" he says to me and I shake my head.

"No , I just cheated on my boyfriend" I say holding my mouth looking down.

He holds my shoulders.

"Aliyah babe you didn't , it's my fault and I'm sorry" he says to me, I uncover my face looking away.

To clear something he calls everyone Babe maybe not guys but he does it. He's been doing it for years, when I met him in college he did that. He's the one that introduced my boyfriend to me.

That was the best kiss I've ever had in awhile and I have a boyfriend. He's a fucking good kisser, I hate myself for admitting that but it had to be said.

"Just don't tell him" he says to me and I nod my head.

"I'm breaking up with him anyways so does it matter right?" I question my own comment.

"He treats you like shit"

"Yea yea, let's eat" I say changing the topic it.

"It was an accident" he says to me as I'm eating my pizza.

Jonah goes to sit at a high chair against the wall. It's been two hours since we ate some food.

"You think I can do it?" I ask walking to Jonah.

"Yeah, just say it , honestly I'm going to say a few words" he says laughing.

"What if he gets mad?" I say.

"He's getting mad about something he did?" Jonah hits his temple.

Something is making my body move closer to him as he speaks. I move in between his legs kissing him again. He slowly pulls me away from him , I cover my mouth.

"Sorry sorry" I say again to him.

"It was an accident, don't beat yourself up" he says to me and I turn away after hearing the door starting to open.

My boyfriend shows up to my apartment, opening the door. Jonah is sitting at a high chair against the wall.

"What are you doing here?" My boyfriend laughs seeing his friend in my apartment.

"Um you were busy and we watched a movie and play some games.... And talked about stuff" I say to him, he nods his head.

I don't know how im going to do this again, trying to break up with him.

"Oh Jonah could leave for a moment while I talk to her." He says to Jonah who doesn't move a muscle.

"Nope, I think I should listen to what you have to say to her." Jonah says to him he looks over to him then back to me.

"Can you leave now"

"No so you can shout at her, call her names and be an asshole." Jonah says narrowing his eyes at his friend.

"Cat caught your tongue." Jonah says standing up from the chair he's in walking over to us.

"That's not how fucking treat a girl even yet your own fucking girlfriend." Jonah says to him ,he scoffs.

"Everyone fucking knows what you do to her. You have a loud mouth, you think some of the guys wouldn't tell me or mention it?" Jonah says laughing a little at my boyfriend.

"You treat her like shit, who does something like that?" He says to him, my boyfriend try's to hold my arm and I move away from him.

"So you man should leave" Jonah says to him, my boyfriend shakes his head laughing.

I just broke up with my boyfriend, Jonah isn't going to be friends with him anymore. I turn to Jonah who is standing beside me looking at the door that closed.

"Finally" he says crossing his arms laughing.

I turn to him looking up at him.

"Can you kiss me" I say to him he quickly turns his eyes to me , very perplexed.

"What?!" He says to me and I repeat it again.

"Please" I say to him he checks my forehead to see if I'm having a fever or something.

"Listen hear babes those were accidents" he says to me and I know but I want him to kiss me now. I just want him to kiss me it felt nice.

"Can you fucking kiss me" I say to him , he shakes his head.

"Pleaseeeee" I say frowning he laughs at me.

"No I'm not, those were mistakes Liyah" he says to me laughing at me.

"Mistakes?" I ask him , I think he hears my tone of voice.

"Accidents okay , things happened that aren't supposed to" he says to me.

I chew down on the piece of gum in my mouth. I just want to , I felt warm when he kissed me now I'm cold. I fold my arms rolling my eyes looking to the side. I'm just hurt by what just happened a few minutes ago.

"Oh my gosh, are you serious?" Jonah laughs at me, I nod my head looking to the side.

"Doesn't matter I'll go kiss A.-" I was about to say A.J but he holds my head kissing me. Yes!.

He kisses me , me saying I'll go kiss someone else didn't sit well with him. Like why am I just going to around the friend group kissing them. He bites my lip in the kiss, he pulls away from the kiss. Lord have mercy , that man knows how to kiss.

He blows a bubble with some gum. I hold my mouth , I look down trying to blow a bubble. Did he just take the gum out of my mouth, he pops it chewing on the gum.

"Don't say that" he says to me walking away out of my apartment.

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