Chapter 9

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Well you already know what happened so I don't have to tell you. I'm at my house about turn on my Christmas tree.

The friends are trying to see who has the best Christmas decorations. I think I'll win that any day.

Every room is decorated, it's just one bedroom the Living room the bathroom and the kitchen. Red and green and then peppermint patterns.

I check my phone to see posted to the group chat.

"I think mine will win" - Jonah

"Yeah right" -A.J

"I think mine is the best"- Irene

"Jonah you didn't even post yours"- Chris

"That's because you guys should see it in person right now, if you're not here in 10 minutes I'm spamming the chat."- Jonah.

Jo Jo's H O U S E

Everyone stands out of his house in disgust and rolling their eyes.

"It's not even that good" A.J fake yawns with his arm on Jayda's shoulder.

"Oh my gosh guys , hello MTV" Jonah says everyone smacks their forehead.

"Welcome to my house, yo yo in the place to be" Jonah says opening the door for us.

I think he won the challenge, this place is really decorated. The kitchen is a gingerbread house theme. He has candy canes hanging from the ceiling above us. When you walk further in near the living room with the plushies that were Christmas themed.

He changed the carpet to a big peppermint circle rug. Big nutcrackers beside the tv, the Christmas tree is in front of the window. That's the biggest tree I've ever seen. He points to the staircase that's has fake snow on it with penguins sliding down.

"Follow me to the backyard ladies and gents" Jonah says going to the back door opening it.

His dog was out there rubbing around.

He has this elf train outside near a fence that leads to a tree with ornaments hanging from it. It has clothing line on it with Santa clothes with fake snow. The dog house was in the shape of an igloo.

"Look look look at this" Jonah says in excitement.

Everyone starts getting hit with fake snowballs out of nowhere. Jonah laughs evilly watching us get hit with random snowballs. Irene opens the door again and we run back inside.

Jonah stops the machine laughing at us.

Jonah walks beside going near the stairs turning around to everyone. Now I get to see the rail with penguins sliding down on fake snow.

"Now you are about to enter Whoville" he says to us in excitement. Someone interrupts him he looks over to them narrowing his eyes.

"It looks like something is right there, Lili" Irene says I turn around to her she points up.

I look up seeing a mistletoe, she squeals covering her mouth. Jonah looks up seeing it too he laughs.

"Can we keep going." I say turning back around, Jonah plants a kiss on my lips turning around going up the stairs continuing the tour. Everyone goes up with him and I'm stuck in my place.

Irene stands there smiling and clapping her hands.

"I hate you for pointing that out" I say to her laughing she walks with me up the stairs to the second floor.

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