Part 8

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"All of them," Jaden confirmed, his words slurring with grief. "They were outnumbered, and didn't stand a chance."

Marcus froze.

If the pack of rogue wolves was headed towards them, Helena was in more danger than Marcus could contemplate without losing his mind entirely.

And, of course, the rogues would target him. He was the Alpha, his pack strong and young, dominating most of the northern territories that had once belonged to the Ancients.

If they could take him out, the pack was theirs, and so was the territory he and his pack had slowly amassed over the years. And with five of their strongest killed, they were short on active warriors.

And if he wasn't around, who would protect Helena and their son?

"Darling," Helena called, bringing Marcus out of his spiraling thoughts. She squeezed his hand and offered a tiny smile.

"Go," she urged him. "Go with Jaden and protect the pack."

He shook his head, not really thinking beyond the innate need to protect her and their unborn pup.

"But I can't leave you here unprotected," he argued. She clicked her tongue at him the way she always had when he was being especially stubborn.

"I'll be just fine, Marc," she insisted, even though her face crumpled into a mask of pain a second after those words left her mouth. "I'll be even better knowing you're not here wishing you could be fighting instead."

Marcus wanted to argue, but the look she gave him barred no argument.

"I'll be back soon," he promised, pressing his lips to hers briefly.

"Hang in there.”

She nodded, releasing his hand and letting him leave.

"I'll be here when you get back," she said, her voice wispy and thin with fatigue.

He nodded and turned to Jaden, who led Marcus out without a word until they reached the bottom of the staircase.

"This pack is one I've never heard of before," he said, his voice stretched thin by stress. "I have no idea who started it or who they look to as Alpha."

"It doesn't matter," Marcus said,catching the incoming stench of rogue wolves. "They'll all die the same way."

At once, he and Jaden shifted, their humongous paws thundering across the hardwood floors and out into the fray, where at least two dozen wolves snapped and tried to tear one another to shreds.

He hated to admit it, but this was the kind of blood Marcus was used to: the scent of war, of spilled blood that sank into the soil and turned its scent earthy. It scared him far less than the scent of his mate's blood, but he tried to push those thoughts aside, focusing on dispatching the rogue trash that had dared to challenge his trash that had dared to challenge his pack.

To challenge him.

Beside him, Jaden snarled before diving into the thrashing sea of blood-soaked fur. His fangs were a streak of white, as bright as lightning where they tore flesh from bone.

Wolf after wolf dropped to the ground in Jaden's wake, motionless and bleeding out quickly thanks to his precise attacks. It had always fascinated Marcus how Jaden was able to kill so efficiently, without expending a lick of energy.

With a growl, he followed, tearing out every rogue throat he came across, furiously searching for the Alpha. Blood dripped from his maw, the taste of it thick on his tongue. The ground beneath his paws was slick with blood too, most of the rogue pack laying in heaps of mangled limbs at their feet.

Just one left, Jaden had motioned, his ears flicking back and forth to locate the missing rogue.

Marcus lifted his snout, trying to find that scent above the carnage around him. If he could just find this last rogue, he could return to Helena's side to protect her, to be there when their son was b-

A searing pain lanced through his body, sending him to the ground with an earth-shaking THUD.

Helena, he thought, agony ripping him apart. Something was wrong, something had happened to Helena.

Jaden was at his side in an instant, his snout nudging Marcus' side in concern. All he could manage was a harsh grunt, hoping his Beta understood.

He had to get back to Helena.

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