Part 39

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Marcus noticed the tension that pinched Aria's face into a grimace, something that had definitely not been there the last time he'd seen her.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, leaning forward to inspect her face more closely. He still felt mildly smug about their very obvious height difference, though it was entirely male pride that made him feel that way.

She nodded, glancing away, but continued to chew on her bottom lip distractedly. She sighed, looking back up at him in defeat. "Aiden has people watching April, to see when I make contact and she cut the call before she could finish telling me what was happening. I'm a little worried. I don't know what's going on in his head but it's putting people in danger and I don't like it."

Marcus frowned, wanting to get rid of the unhappiness on her face. He liked that she felt comfortable enough with him to open up about what was bugging her. It was a welcome surprise and he wanted to savor it for a little while.

"Did she sound scared?" he asked her, pulling his hair into a knot at the back of his head. His eyes focused on the way her teeth gnawed at her bottom lip, her fingers twitching and fidgeting at her sides. She was agitated, he didn't even need a whiff of her scent to tell. He'd become familiar enough with all the little things she did that gave away her emotions without her needing to say a word.

He knew that she was close to her family, and her best friend, April, meant the world to her. The news that Aiden had people watching April, possibly putting her in danger, all for Aria's sake would definitely upset her.

He kind of hated Aiden for it. But at the same time, if it hadn't been for his ludicrous decision to reject his true mate and take the other wolf as his chosen, Marcus wouldn't have been drawn to that pretty wolf at the bar that night.

"Not really," she sighed, finally looking up at him. "She's not really the kind of wolf who scares easily. though. I think that's why I'm worried. Something really terrible could be happening but she'd play it off like it was nothing and I wouldn't know a damn thing until it was too late."

"What about your parents?"

"My dad is as tough as wolves come," she chuckled wryly. The twinkle in her eye gave away the admiration she had for her father; it was something that Marcus found adorable. "I honestly doubt Aiden could take him on; he's been a Delta for most of his life and he was the reason Aiden's father never really had to face any challenges while he was still Alpha. But with the way he's been going berserk... My dad would prioritize protecting my mom and the rest of the pack before he defended himself."

"Your dad sounds amazing." Marcus said, crossing the short distance between them and tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Pink dusted the apples of her cheeks in response to his gentle touch. "He kind of sounds like you."

"I wish!" she snorted, a small smile on her face. "He's everything I wish I could be. Well, my mom too, because she's the only wolf he's actually afraid of."

Marcus breathed a soft laugh, rolling his eyes playfully. "Something tells me you've already achieved that."

"Please, you're a big, scary Alpha," she scoffed, her gaze falling to the column of his throat. "I'm the furthest thing from terrifying. My mom, on the other hand..."

With a smile, he jerked his head, motioning to the forest that waited for them.

"Let's shift and go for a run," he suggested, watching how her eyes shifted between forest green and amber as her wolf fought to break free. "It'll help clear your mind, at least. And when we get back, we can talk about it."

She nodded, stepping out of her clothes and shifting quickly. surprising him with her speed.

Her wolf was every bit as beautiful as he'd imagined. She wasn't large but she was obviously built for speed. Her lithe form hid a kind of strength that even Marcus couldn't fathom. She was a stunning mix of pure white and ash grey, her paws, legs and belly as white as snow. Her tail, back and the top of her head and ears looked as if she'd run through a fire, the ash settling on her fur. She glanced back at him, her amber eyes so familiar that his own wolf whined in recognition.

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