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                   "Volterra, here we come"

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"Volterra, here we come"

The trio arrived to Volterra after an eleven hour, forty five minute plane ride, the three knew they weren't to far behind Alice and Bella as when they landed they saw Alice had only rented a yellow bug ten minutes after they landed.
The boys decided they would just stick to the shadows as their way of transportation as it was faster than a car especially with the crowds they had already seen.
Liam picked Elliana up bridal style and headed towards the clock tower to see if they could find Alice and Bella before they found them.
There was no doubt Alice had seen them coming after Elliana had made up her mind on coming after her sister.
It was something that ran in the Swan family, once someone in their family had their minds set on something they always followed through.

As they got closer to the clock tower the boys had come to a stop upon seeing a waiting Alice in front of them now.
"What is Ellie doing here?!" Liam and Blaze shared a look before looking back to the Psychic girl in front of them.
"Couldn't you see us coming?" Liam questioned as he placed Elliana down on her feet before stepping closer to the pixie like girl whom he considered family.
"Well- I- no" she stuttered out as a look of confusion washed over her face before her face went completely blank for a moment.
The two boys walked over to their sister figure as both grabbed her arms with concern written on their faces.

Alice suddenly breathed in sharply as she looked at the two boys now in front of her, "you shouldn't have brought Elliana here" she said shortly before she took a quick look around.
"Where's Elliana?!" Alice asked as she looked around in confusion and fear.
"Oh fuck" Blaze said as he ran a hand down his face.

Elliana ran out into the plaza full of people dressed in red cloaks.
She got over to the fountain and caught a glimpse of her sister who was being pulled inside of a building.
As Elliana saw this she took off in a sprint to get around the fountain and into the building.
As she reached the building she pulled open the door and ran in without even thinking of what she would face inside the building.
She came to a hard stop as she crashed into what felt like a brick wall.

"Ouch" Elliana whimpered as she hit the floor, she opened her eyes to see a pare of black dress shoes.
Elliana's eyes widened before she slowly started to look up to the person who felt as hard as a brick wall.
As she looked up to the person in front of her the only feature that stuck out to her the most was the blood red eyes.
Ellie let out a blood curdling scream as she scrambled to her feet and started down the long hallway.
Just as she saw Bella, Edward, Alice, Liam and Blaze standing in a close door way she was grabbed by the back of her neck.

She screamed out again as the fear inside of her had finally come out to the surface, "NO- NO PLEASE- PLEASE DONT" Elliana cried out.
In a blink of an eye Liam and Blaze had taken the young girl from the man and got into defensive positions in front of her.
"Back off! She's under the protection of the Olympic coven!" Liam seethed as he glared at the guard before him.
Bella, Alice and Edward quickly approached the four, Bella squatted by her sister and pulled her into her arms as she stood back up while holding her sister's shaking frame.
"Ellie what are you doing here" Edward asked as he looked to the shaking girl with a cautious gaze as he thought she didn't know anything about vampires.

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