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The walk back to the Cullen house was short as they chose not to let their minds wander too much on the trip back

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The walk back to the Cullen house was short as they chose not to let their minds wander too much on the trip back.

But one thing they couldn't help think about was how the Cullens told them the girl was dead but looked nothing like a vampire, but her sudden use of superhuman speed threw them off completely.

They had watched the younger swan girl grow from an infant to a beautiful teenager, the thought of her death horrified them to no ends.

The cullens stood on the other side of the treaty line laying in wait for the wolfs return with the Swan girl, Emmett was the first to notice their return.

"Their back!" Emmett called out causing everyone to stand next to him as close to the treaty line as possible without stepping over it.

The pack stoped a hundred feet away from them as Kayden held the girl closely to him, Elliana stured in her unconscious state slightly as she slowly opened her eyes.

She made sure to still seem passed out as the Coven and pack started talking, "thank you for finding her before she hurt anyone" Carlisle said so softly that the human ear couldn't pick it up but only the supernatural could.

"What makes you think we're gonna just hand her over leach?" Paul snapped as he moved closer to the girl causing Elliana's eyes to snap close as she didn't want to reveal herself just yet.

Paul's expression softened slightly as he looked over Elliana's peaceful expression, "look we don't know what's wrong with her but she certainly isn't human anymore" Carlisle explained as he stepped on the treaty line.

The pack admitted a a low growl, "not another step leach" Sams husky voice growled out.

Carlisle eased his hands in surrender before taking a step back towards his coven, "I mean no harm but that's not the same Elliana you once knew."

"And say she is a vampire- why does she still have her scars from the other two leaches that attacked her at your graduation party?" Seth asked as he looked towards the girl with a prominent scar on her neck.

"I- well- uh" Carlisle was at a loss for words as he tried to reason with them but even he had never seen anything like Elliana's case- she still seemed so human except for the superhuman speed she already displayed for them.

Everyone in the clearing stood at odds for a tender moment before Elliana decided to reveal herself.

She let her eyes open once more but this time made no attempt to hide that she was now conscious, "hey pretty" Kayden joked when he caught her gaze.

"Ok so what do we do now?" Sam asked as he looked at the girl then to the coven, "we can hear her heart beat yet you say you saw her die in her mates arms" Sam said as he waved his arms around slightly but stoped when a sudden wave of calmness washed over him when he tried to lunge forward.

"Cullen don't fucking mess with my head" Jasper was quick to shake his head but stoped when he saw Elliana focusing on Sam but noticed how the man was frozen in his stance, "She has telekinesis" Jasper said with a small smile.

Elliana looked away from Sam releasing her hold on the man to see Jasper smiling at her, slowly Kayden placed her no her feet still keeping an arm around her waist.

"None of this makes since" Embry said as he looked to Elliana.

Her eyes warily flicked over to the Cullens to see them just staring at her, "h-how am I n-not dead?" Elliana asked softly, "Irina she made me crash Bella's truck and Alec- he tried to save me" Elliana felt herself getting angry as she remembered everything that happened.

"Ellie just calm down"

"Calm down?! Your cousin form the Denali coven killed me because she didn't like my mate!" Elliana spat back as she glared at the coven.

Before anyone could say anything else Elliana lightly pushed herself out of Kayden's arms before taking off for her house.


Elliana stoped in the outskirts of the woods around her house as she looked for her father, with her new heightened senses she started to search for him beyond the walls.

Her eyes landed on the kitchen window as her father paced around on the phone, "no I don't care! She's my baby girl! I already lost one daughter to the Cullens I refuse to lose another!" Charlie yelled over the phone.

"I get that you haven't seen her in a week but she's a teenager! Teenagers run away" a male voice said back in a rather calm tone.

"Not my little girl!" Charlie bellows with a harsh look, "my little girl does the best she can to be a good daughter just like her sister! And I'm sorry I'm rather attached to the daughter I raised on my own for the last 16 years!" Just as Elliana was about to rush forward and tell her father she was there a hand clamped down over her mouth with a arm trapping her waist before the unknown person pulled her into the woods.

Elliana fought against the persons hold on her when they suddenly dropped her to the ground rather harshly, "careful podex she doesn't seem all that dead to me" a male voice spoke as Elliana flipped around into a seated position so she could look at the man- well men.

A familiar man with short, brown almost blonde hair that is partially spiked and extremely pale skin was stood before her with another man who looked about 6'7" with a muscular body and having a slightly olive complexion which looks odd combined with his chalky pallor. He has  layered dark brown hair and both had blood red eyes with the Volturi crest around their necks.

Felix and Demetri were stood before her.

She remembered these two from the night Alce threatened to take her away, "your not wrong, she doesn't look dead like Alec said" Felix said as he crouched down to be on the girls level.

"Little human did the Cullens save you?" Demetri asked with a small fond smile as Felix looked her over only to see the two scars on her neck and wrist, "if they didn't you'll have to come with us."

Elliana was at a loss for words as she tried to say something remotely smart that would get her taken away, "I- yes" she said shakily as Felix pulled her up onto her feet.

She wasn't scared of them anymore but she was scared of being taken away from her family, "yes what doll?" Demetri asked as he cupped her cheek in a teasing manner as he listened to her heartbeat sky rocket.

"Yes they saved me" Elliana muttered as Demetri's thumb rubbed over her cheek.

The shorter man hummed in acknowledgment as Felix circled to two, "are you lying little human?" Demetri asked as he used his other hand to ghost over her neck,  "because Alec hasn't said a word about you in a week and Aro is so worried for him so he sent us to keep an eye on you until Alec can return" Felix said as he stoped beside Demetri.

"And we would hate to do something to you because you lied" Demetri mused before a breeze pushed past them.

Liam and Blaze were both perched on a tree not too far away as they watched the two Volturi guards, "sorry are we interrupting something?" Liam asked sarcastically as Blaze smirked at the two guards.

"You are but seeing as you two are here now we'll just take our leave" Felix said before he and Demetri both disappeared into the trees.

Elliana moved to say something but was stoped by the two as they jumped down from the tree, Blaze pressed a finger to his lips before picking Elliana up and rushing back to the Cullen house.

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