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The day of the fight rolled around quickly

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The day of the fight rolled around quickly. The two days had gone by in a flash as it was filled with training, patrolling and splitting up, Bella, Jacob and Edward left for the mountains as everyone else lie in wait for the battle.
Bella woke up the morning of the fight to find only herself in the tent. Bella left the tent seeing as Jake and Edward were no longer there to keep them warm before she unzipped the tent door and went outside.
The outside was completely covered in pure
white snow and ice. It looked beautiful. Bella
noticed a sandy coloured wolf approaching her
and she smiled.
"Hey, Seth " Bella greeted
Seth growled softly in reply as Edward appeared
and walked up to them.
"Where's Jacob?" Bella asked him " Did he
"Not yet" Edward answered "He's checking to
see if the woods are clear before he goes"
Bella nodded before Seth then ran off and
disappeared into the trees.

"Look, I'm really sorry about last night. That couldn't have been easy on you" Bella said softly.
"It definitely won't make my list of top 10
favourite evenings," Edward stated, "You have a list?"
"All 10 I have spent with you" Edward replied "
Number one is when you said you'd marry me,
Mrs Cullen" Bella laughed" This is the 21st century. I at least want to hyphenate my name"
"You're marrying him?" A sudden new voice
growled. The couple turned and saw Jake standing there looking extremely angry, almost to the point where he would shift.
"Jake, I..." Bella stopped and turned to look at
Edward, accusingly" You knew he was listening!"
"He deserves to know" Was Edward's excuse. Jake then turned away and started to leave.

"Jake, stop!" Bella went to go after him but Edward quickly tried to stop her "Bella, let him-
"Don't!" Bella snapped and ran after her best
friend, continuously calling his name hoping he
would stop.
Edward stood there looking frustrated as Bella
and Jake disappeared out of sight.

On the battlefield it was silent as all the Cullen's except Edward lined up across the large field. The field that they were going to fight newborns in. Today.
The Cullen's could practically feel the tension of the wolves in the trees behind them. They made sure to keep quite and stay low until they saw the newborns to start attacking the Cullen clan. The wolves were the secret weapon.
The newborns wouldn't have any knowledge about them, therefore, catching them off guard and making them an easy target.
It would only be a few moments until the first
newborn decides to make a un-smart choice of
crossing the field quickly.
Jasper was the first to take one out, then the rest of the newborns pooled in like a wave on the beach. They snarled and snapped like wild beasts, nothing but hate on their faces. There was so many. So many life's that were taken for a feeble attempt to wipe out the Cullen clan. It was foolish really on Victoria's behalf.

Carlisle and Esme fought together as a pair, it was their normal fighting technique. The two came across a small girl that look terrified as to what was happening. They shared a a confused glance, questioning what to do with the girl - she was a newborn too, but she was just a child.
Only, she didn't want to be a part of this and that
made the two sick to their stomachs. How could
Victoria go as far as taking a young girls life?
Alice looked over to see a newborn making its
way over to Jacob and Sam before running and
wrapping her arm around its neck while snapping it.
There was only two or three left, the fight was to end in a matter of minutes.
When she landed back in the ground, she looked
over her shoulder at Rosalie with wide eyes. They both nodded and ran at the last two newborns.
Alice jumped onto the shoulders of one, her
hands placed firmly on its head and twisted it. When the head was disconnected from the body, she threw it behind her and quickly jumped off the now limp body.

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