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Suddenly transported back to the field before the battle and it's clear that the battle was a vision that Alice was showing Aro, "Now you know

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Suddenly transported back to the field before the battle and it's clear that the battle was a vision that Alice was showing Aro, "Now you know. That's your future. Unless you decide on another course" Augustus looked back over to them as he wrapped both arms around Elliana as she stared coldly at the other side.

Caius growled lightly, "We cannot alter our course. The child still poses a grave threat and we haven't even talked about the other two" with his words Klaus and his siblings walked out making some of the vampires gasp.

"But what if you were sure they could remain concealed from the human world? Could we leave in peace?" Edward said with a small smile as the Mikaelson sibling walked over towards Elliana and Augustus.

Caius watched the new comers with distaste, "Of course. But that cannot be known."

"Actually, it can."

Walking in from the woods, two people come and stand next to Alice, "I've been searching for witnesses of my own among the Ticuna tribes of Brazil" Alice explained

Caius rolled his eyes, "We have enough witnesses" the blond haired man spat.

"Let him speak, brother" Aro said as he looked to the man.

"I am half human, half vampire. Like the child. A vampire seduced my mother, who died giving birth to me. My aunt Huilen raised me as her own. I made her immortal." The man said

Bella stepped forward slightly, "How old are you?"

Nahuel looked back to her, "a hundred and fifty years" he said with a small reassuring smile.

"At what age did you reach maturity?" Aro asked.

"I became full-grown seven years after my birth. I have not changed since then"

"And your diet?"

"Blood, human food. I can survive on either. Which I assume is the same for you two" Nahuel said towards Elliana and Augustus making the two nod.

Marcus smiled lightly, "These children are much like us" he said softly.

Caius glared at everyone,"Regardless, the Cullens have been consorting with werewolves. Our natural enemies and what about the girl?! Those two are half human and yet we aren't questioning it!"

Klaus takes this opportunity to step forward, "we take claim to Elliana and Augustus, if you dare harm either of them you'll have my entire blood line willing to fight for them" Klaus states making Aro smile devilishly.

Aro turns and addresses his army, "Dear ones, there is no danger here. We will not fight today."
Some of the Volturi look disappointed, including Caius and Jane, but they all listen to Aro and quickly leave, then before leaving Aro looks at Alice and Bella, "Such a prize"Aro then turns and leaves but Alec still stood in place

Everyone watched him as he watched Elliana and Augustus who held onto each other, "go" Elliana said lightly as she watched him hesitate.

After a moment of holding their gaze Alec nodded slowly before he turned and left.

After Aro and his army leave Vladimir and Stefan watched as the Cullens and their witnesses celebrated the win against the Volturi, "We have them on the run. Now is the time to attack!"

"Not today." Carlisle said with a smile as he turned back to his family.

"You're all fools! The Volturi might be gone. But they will never forgive what happened here."The Cullens and their witnesses do not listen so Vladimir and Stefan leave in anger as everyone else rejoices in the fact that they did not have to fight the Volturi.


Back at the Cullens house, the witnesses are saying goodbye and leaving, Edward and Jacob watch Renesmee as she speaks to Zafrina and Senna. Elliana watched everyone with a small smile as Augustus slowly walked up behind her before wrapping his arms around her waist and spinning her around making her squeal. He placed her gently back onto her feet as he smiled down at her, he brushed his nose against hers slightly before she crashed her lips into his. He smiled into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her waist, she leaned up into him before they pulled apart. They smiled giddily at each other as they just relished in each other's presence.


Over the next few months Elliana slowly introduced Augustus to her father who had repeatedly threatened to kill him, much like he did with Edward but as the months passed he slowly got use to the boy that was now in his daughters life. It was a particular in the next fall that had shown she was far from her past being behind her. Augustus laid on Elliana's bed as she walked around her room talking about school, she had been rambling on about how she felt like someone was watching her at school. To which Augustus made the joke of how beautiful and irresistible she was making her stop rambling and sit with him on her bed.

"mon adorable petit oiseau, why can't you just see yourself how I see you?" He asked light as he pushed some hair behind her ear as her hair had a few strands sticking out of her low and loose bun.

"Well I'd like to think it's because—" before she could finish her sentence a gust of wind came from her now open window putting them on wide alert.

As they looked around the room they were met with a hooded figure, slowly the figure pulled down it's hood and it was revealed to be Alec. Elliana gasped lightly as Augustus stood protectively in front of her, "what are you doing here?" Augustus asked bluntly.

"I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry and that I shouldn't have treated you the way I did, I care so deeply for you and I let that cloud my judgement. I want you to be happy so I'm going to let you be with him" Alec said as he motioned towards Augustus.

Elliana scoffed loudly as she stepped away from Augustus who held a small smirk, "you'll let me?" She repeated.

"Yes I'm letting you"

"Okay, get this through your head. I chose to be with him, he gave me the choice to be with him. You told me I was yours. Do you see the difference? I get a choice with August, because he cares. I'm never going to be with someone who acts like they own me, so with that you can leave because I chose not to talk to you ever again" Elliana said with a frown as Augustus pulled her back to his chest and wrapped his arms around her.

Alec looked taken aback for a moment and went to say something only to cut himself short and nod his head in defeat. And with that he took his leave.

Augustus smiled down at the girl, "okay that was hot" he said with a smirk as he kissed her neck lightly, she smiled back at him before pulling his lips to hers and capturing them in a sweet and tender kiss

Forever In Your Eyes.                       ~Alec Volturi~Where stories live. Discover now