Chapter 1

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Beep beep beep

Your alarm rang as you pressed the off button. You let out a groan as you slowly got out of bed. You walked into the kitchen to see Nate already up. "Good morning. Why are you already up?" You questioned.

"Can't I walk to school with my wonderful sister today?" He said while making breakfast.

"Nate, what do you want? You know why we leave at different times." You took a seat at the table. You usually make breakfast since you are usually up first. He put a plate of pancakes in front of you.

"Nothing. (Y/n) in offended that you think I do things for a price." He scoffed. You rolled my eyes and started eating.

When you were done you stood up with Nate trailing behind you. You two placed the plate in the sink and started your routines. You slipped on my navy blue uniform with accents of white on the sleeves and collar. You waited for Nate by the door.

I swear this boy is going to be the death of me one day.

When he was finally done you shoved him out the door. "Your routine takes too long," You complained. 

"At least more people like me."

"I have better grades."

"Ok, that doesn't matter right now."

"I'm the pride and joy of the family. You're the disappointment."

"Ouch (Y/n) that one hurt." He dramatically grabbed his chest, you chuckled. "Is my pain and suffering funny to you?"

When you two arrived he decided to stay with you. "Nate come on. We're supposed to split up." You tried to push him away. You spotted in of his friends. "There's one of your friends. Why don't you go hang out with him."

As people started to filter in they stared and probably wondered what you were doing with Nate. "I want to be with you today. I never get to hang out with my younger sister." When Nate said that you felt all eyes on you two and people whispering. 

"Why would you say that with everyone here? You know why we pretend we aren't related."

"Well soon everyone will know. You're welcome!" He walked to his friend. You were desperate to get away from everyone, so you went to my locker and got my things for my first class. You went to the classroom and took your seat. People were whispering as they entered. The day went by almost as normal. People were whispering about what happened in the hallway.

You were sitting on the roof eating my lunch while reading.  "Hey, are you Nate's sister?" You looked up to see Britney. Great just what I need another one of Nate's crazy ex asking me to set them up on a date.

"No, I will not set you up on a date with my brother." You had this line memorized at this point.

"I'm not asking that. I actually want to get to know you." She had a warm smile, but you knew her history. She makes you feel safe and gets you secrets then betray you.



"I said no."

"I will ruin your social life."

"You can't ruin something that doesn't exist, honey."

Ignorance Yandere!boys x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now