Chapter 5

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This chapter has suicide and mentions abuse if you are uncomfortable with these topics then go to the next chapter

The walk home was uneventful. If something was happening you weren't paying attention. You were trying to figure out what you should tell Atlas. You already decided on the part about your basic information and your hobbies, and for getting along you would just say "This one is difficult. Ask her brother Nate. He's close to her."

Now you just needed to think about what part of my past you should tell him. You know you should tell him about Nero, but should you tell him about the chain of events that happened after his death?

You wanted to scream for help, but the water filled your lungs. You felt yourself start to relax and give up as a hand pulled you out of the water. You coughed the water out of your lungs as you gasped for air. When you comprehended what had happened you looked up to my savior. When you saw his face you realized who it was.

Nero Grey.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked, you nodded in response. "We're in the same grade, right? I think I've seen you around school. All I know is that you're in advanced classes."

Nero Gray, we didn't care about social status in middle school. It was in high school that people started caring. He was the one person you didn't want to learn every detail of their life. you were scared it would change your perspective of him. In the end, you regret not being there for him. He has hair as white as snow and soft red eyes. Your trust meter with him was at a ten. He never gave you a reason not to trust him. We were in eighth grade at the time.

"I'm (Y/n). And yes most of my classes are advanced. It's no big deal." You said nonchalantly. 

"Why we're you drowning anyway?" He asked.

"I don't know." You shrugged, you did know why and how you were drowning, but it was difficult to say to an almost complete stranger "Looks like we were destined to meet."

As a year went by you moved into freshmen year and made friends with a girl named Alice. She looked like any plain girl and nothing about her sticks out. You loved her chocolate brown hair and smoky black eyes.

"You've got to take better care of yourself. You can't keep living on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." You were lecturing Alice on our way to the roof.

"Ok, mom. I don't want any more mommy issues." She chuckled, and you rolled my eyes. You acted like that, so your friend group would stay together and not fall apart like others.

You opened the door to the roof to see Nero looking down at the ground holding onto the railing. He didn't notice you two and jumped. Alice hurriedly got her phone out to call an ambulance in the hope they could do something. You stood there trying to figure out what happened. The only thing you knew is no one could survive that fall. It was a five-story fall from the roof.

Alice and you ran down to where he landed as the ambulance arrived. They checked for a pulse or any sign of life. Nothing. The person checking noticed something sticking out of his pocket. It was paper. They read it over. "Are you two (Y/n) and Alice?" He asked, when Alice nodded they handed it over to you two. The note read:

Dear (Y/n) and Alice,

My only friends. You two were the only ones that could make and smile and laugh. You guys made me feel true happiness. I have to admit (Y/n) you captured my heart. You didn't mean to. You didn't even notice. I asked Atlas for help, but he just said that it would be a waste of time. I believed him. I knew I shouldn't have.

I not blaming you for this. In fact, you made me live longer. The day we first met I planned on drowning myself. You made me realize that life was worth living.

I'm sorry things ended this way. Don't blame anyone except my family. They are the reason. I know it's kind of selfish Alice you put up with abuse and (Y/n) your parents barely care about you.

I'm sorry for leaving you two.


You felt tears prick up in my eyes. Nero was in love with you, and you didn't notice. Now he was dead and nothing could change that. You knew Alice was in love with Nero but a lot of girls were. You looked at Alice who let go of the note and walked away. You didn't see her for days until the news reached my ears.

Alice had hung herself.

After a year people forgot about you and Alice. People didn't care that she hanged herself, and you became like a ghost. You were someone who was there but ignored. You thought about killing yourself, but you couldn't leave Nate alone in this world.

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