The Heart's Reward

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"Whatcha got there birdie?" Xander's toxic purple eyes shone through the dark hallway making you regret all of your life choices.

"I umm..." You fumbled on your words trying to make up an excuse. He grabbed the matches out of your hand and looked back at you.

"Seem's like our plans will have to be pushed a few days ahead of what we expected." He muttered under his breath. "Come on let's gather the others."  

You had two options. Kick him in the balls and run and escape or obey. Nate would always say "Kick life in the nuts when it gets in your way." For once, you were going to have to listen to Nate's advice. 

Well, this wouldn't technically be the first time using his advice. The first time since he died. Since these assholes killed him. Building up your anger you channeled it up into one attack. Quickly you pulled your leg and moved it forward landing it straight in Xander's balls. 

You didn't have time to look for a reaction. Only one thought was on your mind. Run. You needed to escape your whole life depended on it. 

When you thought you were at your room's door you opened it and slammed it when you were inside. You were about to dig through the drawer in which you thought you had hidden all the materials for your escape when a chuckle came from the dark. 

"Great job Y/n, you actually do try to escape. To be honest I was starting to lose hope in you." Reese fucking Katz. Out of all of them, it had to be mother fucking Reese. "I had a plan for this exact situation. " He pulled out his phone. 

"Hello police, I am Reese Katz, and me and Y/n L/n have been held captive for the last few weeks. I had to fight one of the captors to call you. Our four captors are Jasper Spade, Atlas Gray, Xander Crawford, and Leo West. They have trapped us at the Spade's residence." Reese explained in a hushed voice. I tried to knock the phone out of his hand or scream that he was lying, but Reese always fought me off or covered my mouth. "Please arrive quickly Xander is going berserk and might tear the house down and kill us both."

Reese gave the address to the police and hung up. "Now when the police get here you do not say a word about what I have done. If you do, I will tell them what you have done to that Sasha girl." He smiled that stupid psychotic smile.

"What if I confess my crime myself?" It would be the only way to get out of Reese's grasp. 

He laughed, "I have been stealing some of Jasper's money for a while. I could bail you out. Then you would be all mine."

The police arrived, and they took away every king plus Xander except for Reese. They took you and him for questioning. You tried to convince them Reese was one of them, but they denied it. They assumed he wasn't because he was the one who helped you escape. 

Pretty soon after a trial, they took the four to jail. Reese insisted you stayed with him. Your Mother was not present to claim you as her own child, so they gave you to Reese and his family. It was mainly Reese as he basically imprisoned you in his house. 

A/N: I forgot to tell you but I changed the names of the endings. Now they all have something to do with the King's cards.

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